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9 Habits which Creates Depression

9 Habits which creates depression, Habits which creates problems in life, Habits which creates health problems, Habits which makes us weak and energy-less, Astrologer.

about 9 Habits which give rise to depression
habits responsible for depression

In this fast life we are running in fulling our some needs related t money, luxuries, food, etc. And in this state of mind we generally forget our own self. What i have found that there are some habits which we generally adopt in ignorance and in long run these habits creates depression and other health problems. So here i am writing this article to make people aware about own self and keep themselves up to date if want to enjoy life. Read about symptoms of depression.

जानिए हिंदी में 9 आदते जो ला सकती है डिप्रेशन

Now Let's Focus On Some Habits Which Are Problematic For Own Self:

Not Sleeping In Time

Generally in these days people engage in enjoying the night in clubs and playing some internal games or gossiping which i am not saying is bad but it is good to go to bed in time so that we must take at-least 7 hours of sleep to recharge ourselves. If sleep is not proper then it affect the mind and in that case person become cantankerous and also not able to perform the activities of daily routing. In long run this habit become one of the main reason of depression.

Not Taking Breakfast Properly

This is also becoming a habits of busy persons that they don't give importance to breakfast and just run away for work, or to get the train, bus, taxi etc so that to not become late. But here i want to say that breakfast is very important and if it is taken properly then it fills the person with energy. So it is not good to avoid breakfast. In long run it makes our body weak and create depression.


It is the most dangerous habit which not only pollute our internal atmosphere but also pollute the external environment. In-taking poison is not good from any point of view. It just makes a person habitual and in long run become a good reason of depression too. It also create blockage in arteries which lead to major health problems.

Becoming addicted of using vehicle

Yes, this is also a very common reason of many types of health problems. I have seen that now a days no one wants to walk for a while. For any thing we use vehicle which decreases our stamina so try to walk. It not only makes our muscles free but also increase energy and stamina which will help life long. Walking also keeps us fresh and keep away from any type of mental pressure. So it is good to walk daily for some time and for some work too.

Read about Depression Reasons And Remedies

Avoiding Logical activities

This is very important to do some logical work in which our mind must work. It will activate our logical mind and keep our brain fresh and also make it strong. But in lack of logical activities mind become dull and in long run it makes a person weaker and also create depression easily. So it is good to solve puzzle games daily or playing some secrets finding games.


This is one of the main reason of depression. Being unsocial makes a person inactive in long run which creates various types of mental diseases. So try to spend time with friends, relatives, colleagues and also make some gossips, fun etc to change the mood.

Habitual of Fast Food

Fast food or junk food is not good for health and brain too. But in today's life we generally become addict of using that. But it is better to use proper meal to make our self active and healthy.

lack of Natural Environment

In this fast life we are generally not in touch with natural environment which is causing many types of major health problems. In office there are Air conditioners, cooler, R.O. Water etc. In home too we use A.C, Cooler etc. And we mostly spend our time in home or in office which is not good for health. So it is good to spend some time daily in garden or it is also good to go for picnic in some natural places so as to get some power from nature directly.

Addiction of Playing Video Games

Now a days due to popularity of video games not only children but adults too love to play only video games which is not good.

Read about How to treat depression through astrology and occult sciences?.

Try to play some out door games too which makes us healthy.

Conclusion- by Astrologer
So above i have given 9 habits which is not good for health and which in long run creates depression. So beware of the above habits and make your self strong, healthy, wealthy and wise.
If you are facing depression problems then do contact to get the powerful remedies of astrology and occult sciences.

9 Habits which creates depression, Habits which creates problems in life, Habits which creates health problems, ९ आदते जो अवसाद ला सकती है जीवन में, Habits whichmakes us weak and energy-less, Astrologer


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