When is Jyeshtha Purnima 2024? Know the date, time and Astrology Tips To bring success in life. Jyeshtha Purnima is a very powerful and holy day for Hindus when people bathe in holy rivers and observe fasts, worship and donate to make their present and future life happy. On this day, Dhoop Dhyan is also done in the afternoon for the ancestors so that obstacles in life are destroyed by the grace of the ancestors. On this day, married women worship BANYAN tree for the long life of their husbands. Jyeshtha Purnima is on Friday, 21 June 2024 and many types of rituals are performed on this day. When is Jyeshtha Purnima हिंदी में पढ़िए ज्येष्ठ पूर्णिमा कबी है Let us know what will be the position of planets on Vat Purnima: Budhaditya yoga will remain in transit horoscope. Sun will remain in its neutral sign Gemini. Moon will remain in its debilitated sign Scorpio. Mars will remain in its own sign Aries. Mercury will remain in its own sign Gemini. Jupiter will remain in its enemy sign T