December 2024 Planetary Transits Details, which planets will change zodiac signs in the month of December 2024, December Monthly Predictions, What changes can occur in transit horoscope as per vedic astrology. December 2024 Planetary Transits and Horoscope Predictions: This is the last month of the year and in this month a lot of things will change in the transit horoscope whose effect will be seen everywhere. In the month of December 2024, 2 planets will change their zodiac signs and the movement of 2 planets will change due to which big changes will be seen in people's lives, weather, business world. Some zodiac signs will have good fortune and some people will face increased challenges in life. According to Vedic astrology, every planet changes its zodiac sign at a certain time, which is called transit, due to the change of planets, major changes are seen in people's life, environment, business etc. Watch Video Here December Planetary Transits Details हिंदी में पढ़िए...
Lyrics Of Shree Kuldevi Strotram, Best way to please home deity, Prayers to please Kuldevi, prayer for health wealth and prosperity, divine mantra. In Hinduism, Kuldevi or Kuldevta is worshipped as the main deity of any family and is also the main protector of that family. There is a belief of worshipping Kuldevi or Kuldevta before doing any auspicious work. In today's time, many families do not know their Kuldevi or Kuldevta, so there is no need to worry in such a case. By reciting and listening to Kuldevi Stotram, we can get the blessings of our Kuldevi. Lyrics Of Shree Kuldevi Strotram Listen On YouTube Kuldevi Strotram Lyrics In English: Om Namaste Shri Shivay Kularadhya Kuleshwari. Kulsankrankshani Mata Kaulik Gyan Prakashini..1 संस्कृत में पढ़िए कुलदेवी स्त्रोतम Vande Shri Kul Pujya Twam Kulamba Kularakshini. Vedamata, Jaganmata, Lokmata Hitaishini..2 Aadi Shakti Samudbhuta Tvaya hi kulswamini. Vishvavandyam Mahaghoraam Trahimam Sharanagath..3 ...