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Showing posts from April, 2016

Can Astrology Change the Destiny?

Power of Destiny Can Astrology Change the Destiny?, Is Possible to change the fate of any person? A very Common question which arises in every mind that can astrology change the destiny ? The Truth is that Astrology is said to be the Eyes of VEDAS i.e. astrology is a lore by which we can look into the future and act accordingly , it is not a tool to change the destiny in fact it is a way to probe in to the future . Astrology has some formulas by which we can reveal some mystery of life and get the way of success. it's a tool to find strength and weakness of our biology and thus move accordingly to get success. For example if some one has the good power of Mars in his horoscope, it means he has good working power also it shows that he is a short tempered person. so he has good chance to go in Army , Hotel industry, Property business etc. and so on. Astrology describes a persons  past, present and future as per the positions of planets in the horoscopes. How Ast

Vaishakh Bath Importance

Vaishakh month is very important from the point of performing religious work i.e. pooja, hawan, tarpan, worship, etc. From the point of view of hindu holy books 4 months are very auspicious and they are , Kartik, Vaishakh/Baishakh, Shravan and Magh. In these months, spiritual practitioners and devotees perform there practices to attract the blessings of there beloved god and goddess. Although people who are residing near any holy river will take the benefits of holy bath in vaishakh month, Devotees also give importance to take holy bath in RIVER NARMADA in vaishakh month. In 2020 vaishkh month will start from 8th April, Wednesday. Vaishakh Bath Importance Now Let's See Some Importance Of Baishakh Bath In Points: Vaishakh month is considered as the month of lord vasudeva and so devotees perform special pooja of lord vishnu in this month after taking holy bath in sacred rivers.  Chanting mantra, performing tapasya, offering food, cloth to needy people are said

Remarriage Yoga In Kundli Or Horoscope

Remarriage Yoga In Kundli Or Horoscope, marriage problems solutions, love marriage yoga, time of marriage, vivah samasya samadhan. Marriage is very important part of life, It is the time when a person enter in the GRAHASTH ASHRAM i.e. when a person accept another one in his or her life for whole life. In this article we will read about remarriage yoga in kundli, we will get answer of "when i will get married", we will see how to calculate timing of marriage, marriage yoga in kundli. marriage yoga as per astrology If any one eager to know about marriage time, if any one want to remarriage, if any one is excited to get a life partner in lie then this article will help you to understand some basic concepts of marriage yoga in horoscope. Although it is good to consult an experienced astrologer to know it better.  If delay in marriage is going on, if no one is entering in life, if after divorce any one want to remarry then not to worry and don't hurry, THERE IS