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Showing posts from June, 2016

Truth Beyond Religious Places

Truth beyond religious places, truth beyond Mandir (Temple), Masjid (Mosque), Gurudwara, Church, Reality of life, Real way to live life, Spiritual views to gain real knowledge, Astrologer for Solutions of problems. Truth Beyond Religious Places In our holy books it is said that God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. The only thing is that we have to feel the presence of god every where and for that spiritual practices are given in our epics. In Bhagwad geeta lord krishna also said that i am present everywhere and i am the reason of happenings in this universe but due to the fake conceit human being thinks that he is responsible for the happenings. In the holy books related with lord shiva it is said that "shivam vidyate na kwachit" means there is no place where the shiva is not present. Lord shiva is Omniscient. Every siddhas has also shown the path of meditation and other practices of occult science to know the concept of god and to feel the reality of t

Success without RAJYOGA In Horoscope

Success without RAJYOGA In Horoscope, is it possible to live a successful life if there is no rajyoga in kundli?, How to achieve success without raj yoga?, Tips to live a successful life, Motivate Your self. Success without rajyoga Raj yoga is a interesting subject in astrology, people generally ask about rajyoga in kundli from astrologer. It is because this yoga makes the life smooth, it makes the life easy, it makes the life powerful. It is seen that rajyoga make the life interesting. Person having raj yoga in horoscope easily gets success in life. Name, fame, money easily enter in the life of person who has the raj yoga in kundli.  Now the question is that what about the person who doesn't have raj yoga in horoscope, is raj yoga is only the sign of success?, is it possible to live a luxurious life without having raj yoga in kundli. Here in this article I am sharing my experiences in this regard, here I am going to reveal that how to achieve success without having raj yo