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Importance of Vastu For Our Dream apartment or House

Importance of Vastu In Making Dream Apartments, Points To Remember
In present Era Every one is eager to know the importance of vastu. The principles of vastushahstra has not only the religious or spiritual importance but also has scientific importance that's why vastu science is used to get the healthy and wealthy life or we can say that vastu science is used to get the way of success in life.
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Make Your Dream House With Power of Vastu

From the ancient time vastu science is used in the name of Stapatya Veda.In Rig veda also there is a description to worship the vastu god before starting construction. Vastu Shastra is based on 5 elments(Earth, Fire, sky, Air,Water)and 8 direction. Vastu shastra actually provides the techniques to make balance with the nature. 
Vastu for Healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous Life 
There are 8 direction North, South, East, West, North-East also non as ishaanya, south-ease known as aagnay, south-west known as nairatya, north-west known as vaayavya. 
Every Direction is associated with a particular type of energy like as North is associated with Kuber(the god of Money), South is associated with yama(the god of death), East is associated with Indra(the god of honour ), west is associated with Shani the god of different types of materialistic things.

Consult To Energize Your Apartments .....

Our own House is the dream of everyone in this world. Every one has a dream to have a house with all the comforts and to fulfill this dream person work whole life. Durability is also very important with the beauty of the house.But there is one thing which is very important and that is energy which if balance then make you prosperous, it also should keep in mind while planning a house. Architect can design your house but vastuvid will energize your house. So it is good to consult a vastuvid too while constructing our own house.
There is no land in the world which is perfect, some type of problem is present in any land which is checked by vastuvid and then removed like as negative energy, geopathic stress, special types of impurities etc. 
Vastu problems can be minimized through various ways like as by making right rooms in right directions, by using special siddha yantras, by using special herbs, Energizer, special anushthaans i.e. rituals etc.
So do consult a vastu consultant if you want to construct your house or if you are facing problems in personal or professional life.

How To Get Benefit From Vastu Science ? | Vastu Tips For Success

Vastu science is a science of energy. By keeping the principles of vastu we can solve many of your problems like -
  1. Strife in Home( घर में कलह ).
  2. Loss in business(व्यापर में हानि ).
  3. Disturbance in Married Life(वैवाहिक जीवन की परेशानी )
  4. Education Problems (शिक्षा की परेशानी )
  5. Depression
  6. Uncertainty of Future
  7. Disharmony in Mental and  Physical status.
  8. Chronic diseases etc
Everywhere there is energy. If some where negative energy increases then it leads to depression, illness, conflicts, loss etc but if positive energy increases then it leads to success in every aspects of life. Vastu consultant analyse the vastu(building, house, plot, land,industry, factory etc.) and find the energy of that place and the problems in that vastu and then remedies are given. An experienced vastu consultant use many occult sciences too to find and rectify the different problems of vastu. 
Get Vastu consultancy and Tips For Success From and Experienced and  Renowned Vastu Consultant, Spiritual healer and Astrologer Now.
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Importance of Vastu In Making Dream Apartments, Points To Remember, Vastu for health, vastu for wealth, vastu for success, vastu for money, vastu for smooth life.


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