Politics and Astrology Politics and Astrology,Ways To Get Success In Politics, horoscope analysis for politicians, Birth chart study to be a politician. Politics and Astrology Astrology has shown its importance in every aspects of life. You can't ignore astrology advice in any field. Astrology shows the reality of your personality and also provide you the right solutions to overcome from your problems. Politics is a field which is very important from the point of view of persons who want to make it as a career. But not every person gets success in politics. The question is why every person do not get success in politics?. The answer is present in astrology. There are certain planets which helps to gets success in politics, if they are not strong in horoscope person will be unable to achieve the expected position. In this article we will find which planet and houses or horoscope are important for the political career and how to gain power to be a successful politicia