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Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star

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Birth Star has very effect on the human life. Birth star is called the nakshatra in Vedic astrology and in career decision, impact of nakshatra is also checked.
Here i am going to provide the detail of effects of nakshatra on career. Every Nakshatra has seperate deity which is also given below.
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Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star

Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star and it's correspondent Lord:

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Ashwini
Related Deity:Ashwini Kumars
Related Careers:Physician, Healer and vehicle players. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Bharani
Related Deity:Kal
Related Careers:Contemplater, philosopher, land lords, philanthropists, judges

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Kratika
Related Deity:Agni
Related Careers: Work related to acid factories, Defence services like army or police.
Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Rohini Related Deity:Brahma
Related Careers: Ornaments and costume dealer, Garland, Cosmetics, PRO, Event management related work, Consultant etc.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Mrigshira
Related Deity:Chandra
Related Careers:Scientist, Medicines, Herbs, Works related to sea products etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Aridra
Related Deity:Rudra
Related Careers: Engage in non ethical works like Mafia, Thieves, murderers, criminals etc. 
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Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Punarvasu
Related Deity:Aditi
Related Careers: Judge, Scholars, Scientist, teacher, magistrates etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Pushya
Related Deity: Brihaspati
Related Careers: Priest, Minister, inventors, Scientists, Researcher.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Ashlesha
Related Deity: Sarpa
Related Careers: Secret work, Cruel work, Detectives etc.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Magha
Related Deity: Pitra
Related Careers: High Ranking, self dependent, Businessmen.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Purvaphalguni
Related Deity: Bhag
Related Careers: Fashion products dealer, Executives.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Uttaraphalguni
Related Deity: Aryama
Related Careers: Work realted to social service, Related with NGO's.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Hasta
Related Deity: Surya
Related Careers: Pickpockets, magicians, Politics.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Chitra
Related Deity: Vishwakarma
Related Careers: Builders, Real Estate, Sculpture, Surgeion, Druggist, Singer, Mechanics etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star:Swati
Related Deity: Pawan
Related Careers: Sales and purchase related work, Employer of Rice meal, wheat meals or oil meals.
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Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Vishakha
Related Deity: Shukragni
Related Careers: Adventurers, Soldiers, Security etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Anuradha 
Related Deity: Mitra
Related Careers: Police men, Security Guard, Vigilance job etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Jyestha 
Related Deity:Indra
Related Careers: Police Officers, Leaders, Warriors related works

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Mool 
Related Deity: Nitriti
Related Careers: Assistant, Cook or chefs, Roots and Seeds seller, physicians, herbs and medicines.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Purvashada
Related Deity: jal
Related Careers: Shipping, Aquatic products dealer, Builder, Engineer, ice dealer etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Uttarashada
Related Deity: Viswadev
Related Careers: Warriors, magicians, Actor, juggler, Wrestler etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Shravan
Related Deity: Vishnu
Related Careers: Linguists, Teacher, PRO etc

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Dhanishta
Related Deity: Vasu
Related Careers: Jwellers, Goldsmith, Grocers, Traders etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Shatbisha
Related Deity:Varun
Related Careers:Dentist, Sailers, Medical Representative, Agent of secret service, Surgeon.

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Purvabhadrapad
Related Deity: Azekapad
Related Careers: undertakers, fishermen, jailors, Diplomats etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Uttarabhadrapad
Related Deity: Ahirbudhanya
Related Careers: Death duties work, Sales tax, income tax, Advocates etc. 

Nakshatra/ Birth Star: Revati
Related Deity:Poosha
Related Careers: Poultry work, aquatic products business, Attendants, nurse, Dairy farming, Butcher etc.
So this is the list of Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star and it's correspondent Lord.  But again i want to say that this is not only the means to take the decision. It is better to consult an experienced astrologer. 
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Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star,  Career consultancy service, 27 Nakshatra and related career, Career as per Nakshatra or Birth Star, Career as per the lord of 10th house or dashmesh,, Online consultancy for carrier, best astrologer for carrier consultancy, star astrology for carrier, Carrier house in astrology.


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