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Showing posts from August, 2013

Ways To Make Money By Unemployed Persons

Money Without Job Ways to make money by unemployed persons, Tips to make use of free time, how to use our spare time to make money, how astrology helps in making money, how to keep our self engage, astrologer views for money making tips. Don't wait for the opportunities, Just take step to create opportunities. This article i am specially writing for the persons who are unemployed and even after seeking for long time not getting the jobs. I understand that when any one is not in job then what goes in his or her mind. A jobless life is just like a kite without thread.  If you are unemployed and you think that you are going in depression, if you are unemployed and think that you don't have the qualities, If you think that your time is bad, if you think that you are becoming weaker, if you are going towards negative direction, if you are hearing 'NO' from all the direction. Then- Be alert, be active, be calm and see what is going on within your bod

How To Win An Interview ?

How to win an interview, Problems in facing interview, tips to win an interview, How Astrology  helps in facing an interview positively?, Secrets of winning an Interview, An Astrologer views. Interview Winning Tips Interview is a very important for the person who need a job for his or her livelihood. This is the time period when one has to prove his or her capabilities to get the desired job. In interview one has to satisfy the mind of different persons. Problems Which Arises In Mind At The Time Of Interview: When a person faces a walk-in interview or telephonic interview then many type of problems arises due to lack of knowledge of reality. Here i am going to share some very important problems which a person faces at the time of interview. The fear of what is going to be asked. This is a very general question which arises in the mind of any interviewee. But here we should keep in mind that there is nothing to be worried. If questions related to personal life, subjec