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Health Tips-Cruciferous Vegetables and Vitamin-D

What are Cruciferous Vegetables?, Natural Way To Over Come From Cancer? Importance of Vitamin-D, Need of astrology in getting back the loss health.
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Health Tips-Cruciferous Vegetables  and Vitamin-D
Every year lakhs of people died because of cancer.Uncontrolled and unusable growth of cells is called cancer.A Node form in the affected area which is called cancer tumor. With the time the size of tumor increases and become dangerous for the nearby organs. After a long duration parts of cancer cells also reach to the lymph,liver,Lungs 
and brain which is also called secondary cancer or metastatic cancer, This become the reason of patient death. Due to bad habits, changing environment, increasing pollution danger of cancer has increased so precautive measures are must to take to protect our self from this type of diseases. cruciferous vegetables are one of the best way to get protected from the cancer.
Eat Cruciferous Vegetables For Healthy Life, Vitamin -D is Very Essential For Body


The leaves of these vegetables are attached in cross. For e.g. cabbages, cauliflowers, raddish, turnip,etc.These vegetables contains chlorophyll which contain irons in abundant, with this they also provide calcium, manganese, vitamin-c, vitamin-k. They contains more high fiber than calorie.cruciferous vegetables also contains phyto-chemicals like celforen, glucocinolats, crabin-indol-3 carbinol, iosothayosynats etc which protect from different types of cancer.Phyto chemicals generate such types of enzymes in body which 
destroy the things causing cancer in body. Among them indol-3carbinol compound affect the sex hormones and protect from prostate,ovarian and breast cancer. A Research reveal the truth that if males between 40 to 60 year take 1 to 2 plate of cruciferous vegetables daily then risk of cancer decreases upto 41%. 


CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES can be taken as a raw salad. Boiled and light cooked cruciferous vegetables are also good. Try to buy and eat these vegetables fresh.In
turnip and raddish sulphur is present that's why they are bitter in taste. Mustard leaves can be cooked in mustard oil and then eat it.You can also take soup of these vegetables.So use it as per your need and your home environment.


For the Development and growth of body Vitamin-D is very important.When we get in contact with sunlight, skins automatically start producing vitamin-D. It is also keeps our bones strong.Body use the calcium in proper way.Use of sunscreens, to avoid sunlight,not to take milk is the major reason of deficiency of Vitamin-D.Deficiency of Vitamin -D leads to the rickets disease. Fracture easily happens in the patients of rickets.Vitamin -D also protects from many diseases.

How To Increase Vitamin-D? :

Proper Diet, sitting in sunlight and Supplements are the best way to get vitamin-D.

Symptoms of Deficiency of Vitamin-D ? :

  • pain or Severe Pain
  • Pain in Bone
  • Some Severe effects of Deficiency is -----
  • Death because of Cardiovascular diseases
  • Cancer and asthma in children
Vitamin-D is a very good preventive measure for sugar,High B.P., multiple sclerosis etc. 

Important Reasons of Deficiency of Vitamin-D :

  1. Non availability of Vitamin-D for long time.This problem is mainly with the pure vegetarians.
  2. Not Come in contact with Sunlight.
  3. Due to Dark color of skin,Dark color is due to milenin pigment.It's excess prohibit skin to produce vitamin-D smoothly.
  4. Dis functioning of kidney is also responsible for this.
  5. Digestive system if not work properly then Vitamin-D is not absorbed properly.
  6. Obesity is also responsible for the deficiency of Vitamin-D, as ceels of obesity absorb vitamin-D from blood and thus lead to deficiency.

How Astrology Help In getting back the lost health?

If any one suffers from any problem in life, it means there is definitely some impact of any malefic planets, so by making proper analysis of birth chart, horoscope or kundli it is possible to know the reasons of problems in life and after that by adopting the best ways of astrology we can recover the lost health. 
A good astrologer can definitely help a patient to over come from any diseases or sufferings. So don't worry if you or your beloved is suffering from any problems, just do consult one of the best astrologer astroshree and know the ways of getting good health.

Read related articles on:

What are Cruciferous Vegetables?, Natural Way To Over Come From Cancer? Importance of Vitamin-D, Need of astrology in getting back the loss health.


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