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How To Increase Beauty With Mango and Musk Melon?

How To Increase Beauty With Mango and Musk Melon, Beauty Tips, Natural Ways to increase Beauty, Herbal Beauty Tips, astrology for beauty, what to do to increase beauty through astrology.
The king of Fruits Mango ! Full of Taste, Health and beauty. In summer it is available in abundant. Mango is very beneficial in beauty. Mango is a very temptative fruit and almost liked by everyone. Mango contains vitamin A for the body skins, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and C, Minerals, Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fiber. Vitamin C in mango
advantages for mangoes by astrologer
Mangoes for beauty
prevent acne and pimples in skins. If the pulp of mango is used to rub the skin then it become soft and bright. 

Here i am giving some easy way to use mango for beauty :

  1. Vitamin A present in Mango is full of antioxidant which is very helpful to make our skin young and healthy.
  2. Daily use of Mango make our skin bright and soft.The ingredients present in mango open the holes of skins which helps in preventing the acne and pimples on face.
  3. Pulp if used regularly on face make the skin soft and bright.
  4. Mango also protect the skins from very hot rays of sun.
  5. Use Mango as a Scrub : take pulp of mango, mix 1 spoon of honey, 2 spoon of milk, half cup of sugar. Mix all these things finely. Use this mixture 10 minutes before bath.This will make your skin soft and smooth.
  6. Mango is a Natural Astringent : If you are suffering from acne then mango works finely. Take raw mango and boil it, make the water cool and wash your face.
  7. In Tanning Mango is used as a Natural Cleanser : Take the pulp of mango and mix 1 spoon of honey and floor. Make paste and use it on your face. Leave for 15 minutes. After that wash your face with cold water and feel the comfort.
  8. Face pack is also made with mango : take the pulp of mango and mix 1 spoon honey and 1 spoon almond oil.Mix it finely and put it on face for 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
So mango is a very multi-purpose fruit which is not only tasty but healthy too and can be used for various beauty treatment.

Musk Melon(kharbooja) :

advantages of musk melon/kharbooja
use of musk melon for beauty
Another Healthy fruit Musk Melon. Minerals and vitamins are found in abundant in it. Let's see some of it's benefits :
  • Vitamin A is present in sufficient amount which is good for eyes and skin.
  • Vitamin C present in musk melon make the immune system of body strong.
  • Vitamin B also present in musk melon which is good for pregnant ladies.
  • Potassium is also present in abundant in musk melon which is good for heart.
  • 175 gram of this fruit contains 14 gram carbohydrates and 1.5 gram proteins.
  • If musk melon is taken in dinner then it is very helpful to control the weight.


  1. Don't take Milk just after taking musk melon.
  2. Don't take it hungry stomach.

Astrology For Beauty:

If you are very much sensitive about your beauty and want to know that which planets are affecting your beauty and how to use astrology ways to make life beautiful then you can contact Astrologer now. 

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How To Increase Beauty With Mango and Musk Melon, Beauty Tips, Natural Ways to increase Beauty, Herbal Beauty Tips, astrology for beauty, what to do to increase beauty through astrology.


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