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Some General Reasons Of Problems

Some general reasons of problems, What is problem, why we face problems, role of planets in generating problems, what to do when not able to over come from any problems, Is it possible to predict any problem through astrology, how to use astrology to get rid of any problem.

In reality we can't imagine life without any problem. Now the question is what is problem, why this came and how to over come. In this article I am sharing my views on this very important topic of life.
reasons of problem and astrology solutions
General Reasons Of Problems

What is problem?

In general way I want to say that Problem is a situation which is not handled by us and by which we become frustrate, depressed, uncomfortable etc. Now next thing to know is that problems arises in life because of various things:
  1. Ist is due to destiny. 
  2. Second is due to our decisions and work.
  3. Third is due to our way of thinking.
Let's understand this with an example if any one has problem in any organ right from birth then this is due to destiny and this problem will go on life long. Now suppose if any one knows that by eating oily food she or he faces digestion problem and even after this if the person eat it and face problems then this is not destiny. This problem is arises due to his or her wrong action.

Now let's take another example - suppose a person has bought a New bungalow and another one become jealous of this so here the problem arises because of thinking.

So there are many situations which is in actual created by us and we ourselves entangle and then suffers. So it is suggested always to think properly before taking any decision.

People ask about how to get peace, where to get peace, from whom to get peace but the reality is that PEACE is within us, it is in our thinking, there is no need to go anywhere else, there is no need to search anyone for peace. When we probe within then we will find every thing.

It is a FACT that "A positive thought can make us and a Negative thought can destroy us". 

So to over come from any problems and negative situations it is good to focus on our thought.

Ask Some Questions From Yourself To Know Some Reasons Of Problems:

The reality is that truth is bitter and so it is not possible to accept it as it is. We are habitual to live in illusion and this is the main reason of problems in life. Now lets's ask some questions from our self and accept the answers as it is and if you find that there is any problem then try to reform habits and make your life better.
  1. Am I Punctual? This is very important question, some persons always become late whether it is office work, personal work etc. So this shows carelessness and definitely arise problems in life. So develop a habit to perform every task in time and gradually positive results will be seen. 
  2. Do I Wake Up Early In The Morning: If the answer is yes then you are good and able to perform every work in time but if the answer is in No then do develop habit to get up early in the morning. 
  3. Do I go for walk daily: Going for a walk is a good way to keep our self fit and fine, it also develop stamina and gives us energy to live life properly. Since whole body organs movement takes places during walk so exercise automatically happen and body becomes fit. 
  4.  Do I take deep breath: Deep breathing exercise is a way to fill our mind and body with oxygen which gives us energy, so do take deep breath and energize yourself. 
  5. Am I Moody: Moody person always suffers because he is in control of his or her mood due to which others life gets affected. In society we have to deal with different mind persons, different situations and with different need so it is very necessary to not behave as per our mood but as per the need and demand. 
  6. Am I depend upon others for small things: This is again a very dangerous habit which generate anger in mind because even to drink a glass of water we depend upon others. So it is good to do some small works personally to avoid conflicts in life. 
  7. Do I jealous of others development: Jealousy is the main cause of frustration, conflicts, impatience, disturbed mind etc. So be happy with others development and live a peaceful life. 
  8. Do I enjoy the present Moment: Unfortunately many persons not enjoy the present condition because in mind they keep many thoughts and dreams due to which the happiness of present moments gets hidden. So be in present and enjoy the present condition. 
  9. Am I honest with my self: A very important question which is the basis of happiness in life. If we are honest with our self then no doubt we can make our life beautiful, hurdle free, sound and smooth. Work honestly, think honestly, make your routine honestly, handle relationships honestly, study honestly and help honestly. 
I think if we think on above subject then many problems of life gets solved automatically.

Now let's See how Planets are responsible for problems of life:

Planets are very much responsible for problems of life, some times in life situations arises that diseases, accidents, losses starts happening and causes are unable to got so it is necessary that in this situation we must take the help of astrologer and know the planetary reasons of problems. After this it is possible to adopt the astrology ways like gems stones, puja, rituals etc to minimize the problems.

For example if there is angarak yoga is forming in 8th house then in rahu dasha or in mangal dasha it is very possible that accident will take place or unwanted health problem may ruin the life, Due to pitra dosha in horoscope person suffers a lot in life, due to dasha of malefic planets also person suffers a lot so through astrology also it is possible to predict the problem time and the related remedies.

So make your life wonderful by focusing on some general points and live a happy life always.

For any type of astrology consultancy like as horoscope reading, predictions, Gems stones etc do contact Astrologer Astrologer Astroshree.

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