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Showing posts from March, 2017

Surya Grahan Dosha In Horoscope

Surya Grahan Dosha In Horoscope how Surya grahan dosha form in kundli, Impacts of Surya grahan dosha in kundli, what to do to over come from the malefic impacts of Surya grahan dosha. Surya grahan dosha in horoscope There are some questions which are asked by people related to Surya grahan like as- Do Surya grahan affect the personal life? Do Surya grahan affect professional life? Do Surya grahan affect love life? Do Surya grahan affect the married life? Do Surya grahan also responsible for black magic? Is there any way to overcome from the impacts of Surya grahan?, etc. So there are many questions in the mind of people who are suffering from this dosha in horoscope, in this article we will see how Surya grahan form in horoscope, how it changes one's life?, what to do to live a successful life?. What is Surya Grahan Yoga? The conjunction of rahu or ketu with Sun form Surya Grhan yoga in kundli. This yoga is not beneficial hence make the life struggling. T

Power of shiva | Sucess Through Worship of lord Shiva

How to worship lord shiva? , How to worship shiva to get powers, Why To worship lord shiva? how to pray to lord shiva for planetary peace?, Best ways to worship lord shiva, Power of shiva, How to get rid of evils by worshiping lord shiva?, What to do on Shiv ratri For Success? Power of shiva | Sucess Through Worship of lord Shiva It is very easy to please the lord shiva. People from the world over like to worship lord shiva. There are many famous temples of shiva in the world. It is said that nothing is impossible for the devotee of shiva. Lord shiva says to the devotees that if some one chant my mantra 'OM'then the person will get good destiny and knowledge too of the spiritual world. If this 'OM' is chanted on Chaturdasi with Ardra Nakshatra then the chanter will get tremendous result. हिंदी में पढ़िए शिव पूजा द्वारा मनोरथ सिद्दी कैसे करें ?  'SHIV LINGa' is worshipped generally to get blessings of god shiva. It is the most good way to please