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Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya

Ambubachi Mela at kamakhya, secrets of ambubachi fair in english, facts related to ambubachi mela, Fair at kamakhya temple, astrologer for horoscope analysis and remedies.

Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024: When topic related to tantra comes anywhere then we can't ignore the place kamakhya in Guwahati. A very auspicious, sacred and tantrik temple of goddess. It is famous world wide and people visit this place to feel the power of goddess Shakti.
Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024, dates of ambubachi mela at kamakhya temple guwahati assam.
big fair at khamakhya temple

Ambubachi is the name of fair which is held every year in Kamakhya for 5 days. This is a tantrik festival and is celebrated with great craze. Spiritual practitioners wait whole year to take the benefit of this time.

Know About Kamakhya Temple:

Kamakhya temple in Guwahati, Assam comes under the shaktipeeth. Here goddess is worshiped in the form of Yoni i.e. vagina. Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024
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What is Ambubachi Festival?

It is believed that once in a year goddess kamakhya enter in menstruation course and this period is celebrated as Ambubachi festival. So this is a 5 day festival. In 2024 the period will be from 22nd  to 25th June 2024. On 26th Morning the temple will be open for devotees.

During this period the door of temple are closed for devotees but after certain days Rituals are performed by pundits there and then doors are opened for devotees. Lakhs of people visit temple to seek blessings of GODDESS KAMAKHYA. Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024

This festival shows the importance of female menstruation period. This shows the power within the females. We should not hate any female during this period but we must give honor to them because they take new birth every month.

Myestery of Ambubachi Festival:

This period falls in monsoon and said to be the powerful period to activate tantra shakti and so if any one want to meet aghoris, tantriks, yoginis then this is the period when one can see all of them at one place. Spiritual practitioners perform there practices during ambubachi festival.

This is the best period to fulfil our wishes through hard practices.

When the door of temple reopened then devotees are able to get the red cloth in prasad which is said to be the cloth of goddess menstruation cycle and so is said to be very sacred. Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024

The one very interesting thing which is heard is that before closing the door of temple A cotton cloth is placed in the yoni in the temple and when the door is reopened the cloth is found red which is a miracle for every one.

Power of Goddess Kamakhya:

Devi is the power, devi is shakti and those who want success in life by worshipping power then it is good to visit the place kamakhya. Worship there and devote yourself, pray to fulfil your wishes.

Astrology of Ambubachi Mela in 2024:

This year the fair will be held from 22nd June to 25th June2024, This is a Ashaadh month as per hindu panchang and so is very important for spiritual practices.

Sun and Mercury will remain together due to which Budhaditya yoga will remain in the transit horoscope.
Along with this, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will also remain auspicious in the transit horoscope.   Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024

It is good to pray to maa kamakhya to fulfill wishes in this special period. Those who want to attract the blessing of maha shakti , those who want to minimize the hurdles life, those who want to make the personal life better, those who want to make there professional life better must offer prayers to goddess kamakhya.

|| Jay Maa Kamakhya ||

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Ambubachi Mela at kamakhya, secrets of ambubachi fair in english, facts related to ambubachi mela, Fair at kamakhya temple, astrologer for horoscope analysis and remedies, Ambubachi Mela At Kamakhya 2024.


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