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Janmashtami Significance

When is Janmashtmi in 2024, Information about the actual date of Janmashtami in 2024?, When to keep Janmashtami fast?, From when to when is Rohini Nakshatra?, Astrological remedies for janmahstmi.

Krishna Janmashtmi 2024: According to the scriptures, Shri Krishna was born on Ashtami Tithi, Rohini Nakshatra, Taurus Zodiac and on Wednesday.

In 2024, Janmashtami is falling on August 26, Monday. Ashtami Tithi begins at around 3:41 AM on the 26th and will last until around 2:21 AM on the 27th.

Rohini Nakshatra begins at around 3:56 PM on the 26th and will last until around 3:37 PM on the 27th.

When is Janmashtmi in 2024, Information about the actual date of Janmashtami in 2024?, When to keep Janmashtami fast?,   best time to worship krishna
Janmashtami 2024

Janmashtami 2024 Puja Muhurat:

  • On 27th August at night from 12:01 to 12:45 AM (Nishith Kaal) will be the best time to worship Balgopal.
  • Puja duration - 44 minutes
Krishna is believed to be the incarnation of lord vishnu and this divine process of taking birth took place in the midnight of Ashtmi tithi After the full Moon day as per hindu calender. Krishna Janmashtmi 2024

Astrology Significance of Janmashtmi:

This is the day for which devotees of krishna waited whole the year, whole the night people enjoy the chantings of lord krishna name in temple and at home too, glimpses are made in temple and home showing the birth of this divine energy in earth.

Jhula is also placed with the idol of baby krishna and devotees swing it at midnight to please bal-gopal. Fast is also kept by people in the memory of krishna and to overcome from the problems of life. Krishna Janmashtmi 2024

As per the scriptures there are 4 MAHARATRIS i.e. powerful nights to perform saadhna or spiritual practices and they are 'Shiv Ratri', 'Holy Ratri', 'Diwali ratri' and 'Janmashtmi ratri'.

Read about powerful spell of krishna Om kleem krishnay namah benefits

Ratri means night and so Janmashthmi is one of the maharatris and also famous as "MOH RATRI". The night of krishna janmashtami is said to be the best night to activate the spells, tantra, mantra, totkay etc. Due to this reason whole the year tantriks, spiritual practitioners, aghoris, spell casters etc wait.

General people can also attract the blessings by chanting the names whole the night of krishna. This night is divine and magical, one can feel the divine energy everywhere on this night. Krishna Janmashtmi 2024

Krishna was born to kill the evil energies in the earth and he did it very well and so people who are suffering from various problems worship whole the night so that krishna take out there problems too.

Game of Dahi-Handi In The Night of krishna janmastmi:

A very attractive part of janmashtmi celebration is the game of dahi handi, in this actually at a particular height a pot with curd is hanged and team are invited to break it, A large gathering takes place in different places to see this game. It is actually a part of celebration and people do this in the memory of bal gopal i.e. child krishna who was very naughty and love to steal the butter of every one in village.

Planetary Positions on 2024 Krishna Janmashtmi in Transit Horoscope:

This year Janmashtami is coming on 26th August, Monday and at the time of Krishna Puja, the position of planets will be as follows -
  1. Gajkesari Yoga will be formed in the transit horoscope.
  2. Moon will be in its exalted sign Taurus.
  3. Mars will be in its enemy sign Gemini.
  4. Mercury will be in its enemy sign Cancer.
  5. Jupiter will be in its enemy sign Taurus.
  6. Venus will be in its debilitated sign Virgo. Krishna Janmashtmi 2024
  7. Saturn will be in its own sign Aquarius.
  8. Rahu will be in its friendly sign Pisces.
  9. Ketu will be in its friendly sign Virgo.
By offering prayers on Janmashtami, one can get relief from various kinds of troubles.

Easy Way To Celebrate Krishna Janmashtmi At Home: Krishna Janmashtmi 2024

If any one is celebrating krishna birthday at home then following steps will help you -
  1. Clean a place to make arrangement for krishna birthday celebration. 
  2. After that place a small jhula, statue of bal gopal and decorate the place as per the capacity and ideas you have. 
  3. Keep panchamrit, clothes, bhog i.e. food for krishna, dhoop , deep, a shankh, flowers etc. 
  4. Right at mid night perform the pooja of bal gopal, For this first of all do the abhishek of krishna with panchamrit and then worship god as per the things available, offer bhog, dhoop, deep etc and do the arti, Chant any krishna mantra as much as possible and pray for health, wealth and prosperity. 
  5. Distribute the prasad to family members, neighbors, devotees etc. Krishna Janmashtmi 2024
Benefits of Janmasthmi:
  • One can attract good health by performing special pooja on janmashtmi night. 
  • One can attract wealth by worshiping krishna.
  • One can attract prosperity, power, name, fame by doing rituals on this night.
  • Those who are facing progeny problems can also take benefits by worshipping on the auspicious night of janmashtmi.
So don't avoid this sacred and powerful night and take the benefit of every second of this krishna night.

Happy Janmashtmi || Jay Shree Krishna

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