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Showing posts from January, 2018

9 Reasons of Love Problems and Solutions Through Astrology

9 reasons of love problems and solutions through astrology, Know the hurdles of love life and love astrologer tips. Love is a very important part of everyone's life and If your love life is not good, if you are not satisfied from your partner, if you are not having good feelings about your partner then there is something wrong. There are may be many reasons of love problems in life and those it is necessary to know the exact reasons because after that perfect solutions can come out. reasons of love life problems Let's See Some Important Reasons of Love Life Problems: Lack of understanding between partner is a basic reason of problems in love life. It must be kept in mind that if any partner don't keep the values of others one in mind then problem will arise in love life. Read about  Best poojas for love success . Lack of time i.e. one of the partner don't give proper time to other. Spending time with each other is necessary to enhance the relationshi

How To Over Come From Bad Luck ?

The embarrassing part of our life is the time of negative happenings and we call it the bad luck. When a person faces failure continuously then it makes the life bad life which is because of bad luck. So it is very necessary to know get rid of bad luck so that we may enjoy the life. before proceeding further it is necessary to understand this negative luck. How To Over Come From Bad Luck ? What is bad luck? When inspite of doing right thing if the person not get the desired results or faces failure then this is called bad luck. When all are getting profit from one work but at the same time one person is not able to gain profit from the same work then it is bad luck.  Bad luck is due to our own karmas of past life. But it is not impossbile to over come from this problem. I believe that if there is a problem then there must be any solutions for that also. Read More On "Moles Related With Bad Luck" . So don't afraid of bad luck, don't bother about yo

How To Attract Good Luck Through Astrology ?

How to attract good luck through astrology, What to do for good fortune, kaise khole kismat ka tala, secret of good luck. Luck in our life keeps too much importance. It is only the luck which helps a person to enjoy the life with ease. There is a big percentage of luck which makes a person millionaire. It is because a hard worker only arrange the money to live one day and on the other hand other person who is just sitting on a chair is able to earn millions just by using the mind and luck favors him.  How To Attract Good Luck Through Astrology ? So good luck in life is necessary. There are two ways to have good fortune, First is our past life good works which is giving us the good destiny in this birth and second is some special ways which helps us to attract good luck in our daily life. If you are positive about your self then no doubt, you will definitely attract the good luck in your life. Here in this article I am going to reveal the secret of good luck. You will know th

Benefits of Parad Shivlings

Importance of parad shivling, What are the benefits of Mercury shivling, how to get success through shivlings. Is parad shivling works. Benefits of Parad Shivlings Parad is believed to be the semen of lord shiva and thus is a very auspicious metal and therefore in worship it keeps great importance. No other thing is believed to be as important as parad. Here in this article I am providing some core benefits of worshipping parad shivlings. हिंदी में पढ़िए पारद शिवलिंग के फायदे क्या है ? Importance and Benefits of Mercury Shivling or Parad Shivlingam: Devotee can attract the cosmic energies by doing spiritual practice near parad shivling. It is possible to over come from many types of sins just by worshipping mercury shivlingam. No matter which caste you belong, no matter what is your age, no matter where are you, worship parad shivling will open the door to success. It is very helpful to getrid of from many types of diseases. Mercury shivlingam is able to washed of

How To Worship Parad Shivling?

How to worship parad shivling, best way to adore shiva of Mercury, short and easy way to worship parad shivling, orignal parad shivlig for home and business. how to worship parad shivling In the previous articles I have already read about what is parad and importance of parad shivling. Now here in I am providing the easiest way to install and worship parad shivlingam for health, wealth and prosperity. Since we know that parad shivling has a great religious importance, it has great spiritual importance and is able to attract dharma, artha, kama and moksha. So it is necessary to give time in worshipping mercury shivling. Saints of India has written many things about parad. In parad sanhita whole details related to obtaining parad is given with importance and use. Parad shivling saves a person from evils. It makes the life fruitful. It has the ability to attract all the necessary things in life.  Person can over come from chronic diseases. It is one of

Quotes of Buddha For Self Motivation

Quotes of Buddha For Self Motivation Gautama Buddha is spiritual master of many people around the world, people follow the guidelines given by Buddha to get success in spiritual path. No body expected ever that a baby which born in lumbini will become such a great person that whole world will follow him.  In adolescence a wish arises in the mind of Siddharth to know the aim of this life and for that he practiced many things but at last he realized that MEDITATION is the only way to reach the culmination of spirituality. He has meditated for 49 days without break under a Pipal tree which is known as Bodhi tree and become siddha.  After enlighten Buddha start teaching the real ways to people who want to achieve salvation. His lessons were very simple and practical and free from any type of rituals. He has focused on meditation to see the inner treasure.  He has said many things and people are following them in this modern age too to make life hurdl-free. Teachings o

Best Poojas For Love Success

Best poojas for love marriage, whom to worship for love success in life, what to do to fill life with full of love as per astrology.  To get true love in life is the desire of every one and for this every one try at his or her level best. By reading the horoscope we can know about the position of love in life.  Some are lucky because they get good loving partner in life easily but some faces too much problems in life.  Best pooja for love problems solutions Real love is not related with opposite sex partner but it also include supports from parents, brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors etc. It is true that Kamdev and Rati are god of love and lust but it is not true that they are the only powers to who are able to give real love in life. There are many poojas and prayers which can be used to make life successful. Astrology And Love Life: As an astrologer I receive many calls and emails in which people ask about which pooja is best to get love in life or go

Love Astrology By Astrologer

What is love, Love astrology by astrologer, points to be kept in mind while analysing lovers horoscope, solutions of love problems online,  9 reasons of love problems and astrology solutions . online love jyotish What is love? Love is a inexplicable word, it is a divine feeling about someone, when we fall in love then no doubt life become change. There are many people who falls in love but unable to express there feeling before there beloved because of some planetary problems. In this case love astrology by astrologer can help. Love don't accept caste, religion, money, love happens automatically with any. Love is a special connection between 2 souls. Ultimate feelings can be felt by lovers which can't  be explained through words. There is no special time of love, there is no special age of love, there is no special reason of love. But sometimes due to misconception breakup takes place between lovers, or some people face problems in long term love rel

Love Marriage Problem Solutions

Love marriage problems reasons and solutions, Astrology reasons of problem in inter-caste marriage and solutions through astrology. The first biggest problem after having love with other caste person is doing marriage. In this digital world some people have not broken there feeling related to caste, traditions and due to this there children pay when they want to marry with whom they like. Love makes a person aware about someone whom he or she likes and also generate feeling of responsibility about partner. But if anyone is unable to marry with the person whom he or she like then both live unhappy life. Love marriage problems and solutions Some parents become obstinate and don't agree to marry with other caste person. This ruins the life of both boy and girl. Actually no one love by seeing the caste, family, background but when the matter of marriage comes then everyone see the background of boy and girl, caste of boy and girl etc. This is a curse in this society.

Extramarital Affair Astrology Reasons

Extra marital affair reasons, astrology reasons of extra marital affairs, astrologer for solutions of extra marital affair. Extra marital affairs are becoming very common in these days and because of this many couples become apart after some time of marriage. Extra marital affairs shows that the some need of person male or female is not fulfilled and for this she or he want someone else. There are many divorce cases which happen only because of extra marital affairs. There are many crime happens due to extra marital affairs. Read about  9 simple ways to bring true love in life extra marital affairs reasons Let's Find Some Common Reasons of Illegal Relationships: It is possible that Male or female was in love with someone and after marriage he or she is unable to forget beloved. Extra marital affairs also takes place if anyone falls in love after marriage. Some person enter in extra marital affairs to getrid of boring life with same person. Some couples are no

Can Astrology Helps To Get Love Back

Can we get back the lost love through astrology ways, Know about how to get back the lost love, Ways to get back the lost love through occult sciences,  9 simple ways to bring true love in life . Love is the essence of life and generally every one in this world try to find true love, some have got, some are still struggling and some have lost there love due to various reasons. Get love back Let's See Some Reasons of Lost Love: Some lost love due to there own mistakes like fake ego, instability of mind. Many people face breakup because they didn't understand there partner properly. Dual relationships is also a great cause of problems in love life. Read about  9 reasons of love problems and astrology solutions Some lost there love because any 3rd person enter between them. Over expectations from partner also cause problems in relationship. Some lost there love due to black magic done by someone else. So there may be various reasons of love break up or lo

Kite Totkay For Success

Kite totkay for success, how to remove bad luck from kites, how to get rid of evil energies by using Kites, how kites open the way to success? kites for good luck Kites are not only popular in India but also enjoyed much in Japan, America, Thailand etc. This will surprise you that KITES are not only the medium of entertainment but there are many type of beliefs related to kites which are used by people for good life.  It is believed that KITES are able to getrid of MISFORTUNE, Kites saves us from evil eye effects, Kites saves us from negative energies, kites open the way to success, they also help to over come from diseases, kites are able to take way many problems of life. There are various beliefs related with kites all over the world.  Let's Know Some Totkay Related To Kites: If misfortune is creating problems too much then do take kites as per your age and write "Go away my Misfortune" with blank Ink and then fly these kites and believe that as t

Shat Tila Ekadashi Significance

Shat Tila Ekadashi Significance In 2018 SHATTILA EKADASHI is falling on 12th January, 2018, Friday. Every year as per hindu panchang when Maag month come then on the 11th day of krishn paksh special prayers are done by devotees because this day is celebrated as  SHATTILA EKADASHI. This is special day to attract the blessing of lord vishnu.  Significance of Shat tila ekadashi: On this day if anyone massage with sesame oil then make the body healthy. Use of sesame scrub on this day enhance beauty of skin. Offering sesame on shattila ekadashi help to gain virtue and it also free from sins. Eating sesame foods on this day is very auspicious. Hawan with til on shattila ekadashi is very good. On this auspicious day it is good to offer bhog prepared with sesame to lord Vishnu and also do distribute the sweets made by sesame to devotees.  Offering deepak of sesame oil on the evening of shattila ekadashi and chanting mantra of lord vishnu make life successful.  In our scrip

Haunted People Remedies

Haunted people remedies, Types of spirits attack, How to know that a person is attacked by spirits, Which type of people easily comes in contact by spirits or ghosts,  Videos of haunted people, Videos which will prove that yes ghosts exists, How to Cure haunted people? Earlier i have explained about the haunted house remedies. Now i am going to clear about the people who are sufferings from the spirits. This is again a very important subjects from the point of view of people who are actually suffering from evil spirits. You have many times found that some persons male or females do abnormal types of behaviour  they are actually not psychic but they are captured by evil spirits. There are some spirits which have power to enter in the bodies to fulfill their some desires. Haunted People Remedies In India at the time of Navratri the time of shakti aradhna gnerally these scenes are easily seen in the temples of goddess chamunda. some persons are found moving their heads roun

Remedies For Haunted Rooms

There are many people who are suffering from haunted room. Some are aware and came out of it but some are suffering due to this but not aware of this. Here In this article I am going share facts about haunted room and the remedies.  What is Haunted Room? It is not a special type of room but in fact it is a part of house, office, factory, bunglow in which a person feels strange. Also a special type of fear feel by the person who enter in that room. Some feel a special type of smell, Some faces frightening dreams, Some also finds scattered things. Some feels the shadow and some feels the touch as some one touched him. So abnormal type of environment is found in haunted room. It is also found in research that some person become ill while living in a particular room, Relations between husband and wife gets suffered, Insomnia attacked, etc. It is necessary to observe the happenings in a particular room to confirm that whether it is haunted or not. Remedies For Haunted Rooms