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Extramarital Affair Astrology Reasons

Extra marital affair reasons, astrology reasons of extra marital affairs, astrologer for solutions of extra marital affair.
Extra marital affairs are becoming very common in these days and because of this many couples become apart after some time of marriage. Extra marital affairs shows that the some need of person male or female is not fulfilled and for this she or he want someone else.
There are many divorce cases which happen only because of extra marital affairs.
There are many crime happens due to extra marital affairs.

Read about 9 simple ways to bring true love in life

astrology for extra marital affair
extra marital affairs reasons

Let's Find Some Common Reasons of Illegal Relationships:

  • It is possible that Male or female was in love with someone and after marriage he or she is unable to forget beloved.
  • Extra marital affairs also takes place if anyone falls in love after marriage.
  • Some person enter in extra marital affairs to getrid of boring life with same person.
  • Some couples are not able to come close emotionally and so one of the partner seek someone else. Read about Love Marriage problem solutions through astrology
  • Lack of understanding also lead to extra marital affairs.
  • Sometimes sexual dissatisfaction also force the person to make another relation.
  • Some couples marry in compulsion due to parents force and in this case extra marital affairs takes place easily.
  • Some male or female make relationships to getrid of there lonliness. 
  • Some persons make illegal relationships to get promotion in job or to increase salary etc., this happens in companies generally.
So there may be any reason of extramarital affairs but if this happens then family life comes in danger. So it is necessary to come out of it as soon as possible.

Let's Know Some Astrology Reasons Of Extra Marital Affairs:

Planets has major impacts in our life and so we cannot ignore astrology. As an astrologer I have found some special combinations in horoscope due to which person face dissatisfaction in married life and falls in extra marital affairs-
  1. If mars is very powerful in horoscope then person needs a powerful partner to fulfill the sexual need properly but if this not happen then person may fall in love with someone else to fulfill sexual need.
  2. If Mars and Venus are sitting together in horoscope specially in 7th, 8th, 4th house then person may involve in extra marital affair.
  3. 3. If 7th house is affected badly then person may get dissatisfaction in married life and due to this person moves to make another relationship.
  4. Powerful Venus may also take person in another relationship.
  5. If Rahu and Venus are sitting together then also ruin the personal life. 
So there are may be various reasons of extra marital life as per astrology, But if this is ruining the life then by adopting some astrology ways we can over come from this and save our family life. 
If extra marital affair is ruining life and you want to know the astrology solutions then do contact astrologer.

Extra marital affair reasons, Life partner predictions, astrology reasons and solutions of extra marital affair.


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