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Showing posts from November, 2018


Narendra Modi Kundli Analysis

Narendra Modi kundli details, Analysis of the Narendra Modi birth chart, What stars says about Narendra Modi, Astroshree Prediction about narendra Modi. The whole nation is talking about a person who has made a name in the world. He is roaring, his voice is liked by the whole nation, his image is in the mind of every one. Predictions are made for him by different astrologers world wide.  astro analysis of PM Modiji In this article I am going to reveal some very important aspect of Shri Naredra Modi ji. I am going to reveal the kundli with the details which I have got from Internet. Here I just want to say that by reading the analysis of this kundli you will definitely start believing on the power of karma, you can know that what is possible through hard work, what happens if a person committed to do something. Narendra Modiji is becoming the ideal of millions of people, The question is why?, What are the problems which he is facing due to planetary positions. Her...

Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter A

Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter A,  A+alphabets+zodiac sign Aabheer Aadarsh Aachman Aadesh Aadi Aadidev Aafreen Aakar Aakash Aalap Aandaleeb Aashay Aashish Abdullah Abeer Abhay Abhayananda Abhayaprada Abheek Abhi Abhibhava Abhicandra Abhidi Abhihita Abhijaya Abhijit Abhijvala Abhilash Abhimand Abhimani Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter A,  A+alphabets+zodiac sign Abhimanyu Abhimanyusuta Abhimoda Abhinabhas Abhinanda Abhinandana Abhinatha Abhinav Abhinava Abhiraam Abhiraj Abhirath Abhirup Abhishek Abhisoka Abhisumat Abhisyanta Abhivira Abhra Abhrakasin Abhyagni Abhyudaya Abhyudita Abjayoni Abjit Acalapati Acalendra Acalesvara Acanda Acarya Acaryanandana Acaryasuta Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter A,  A+alphabets+zodiac sign Acaryatanaya Acchindra Acintya Achal Achalendra Achintya Achyut Acyutaraya Adalarasu Adarsh Adesh Adhik Adhikara Adhipa Adhita Adil Adinath Adikavi Adit Adite...

Power Of Tulsi Plant In Astrology

Tulsi plant in Astrology, best uses of basil plant, importance of tulsi plant, Health from use of ocimum sanctum. Tulsi plant is one of the auspicious plant in India. Tulsi is also known as Basil in English. Some also called it Ocimum Sanctum. This is a very powerful plant and have many magical characteristics in itself. Every part of tulasi has tremendous healing power. Because of this Saints of great India has written many things about this plant in the scriptures. Tulsi For Success Tulsi or basil is used in various ways - In medical field it is used to make many powerful medicines. In astrology and vastu it is used to remove negative energies. In tantra healing it is used to make kawach. It is also used in karma kanda too. Tulsi plant is full of positive powers and no other plant can has the power like tulsi. It has the power to cure fever. Tulsi has the power in stress management. It can also provide the solution of stone problems. Tulsi is a great detoxif...

How To Dominate Enemies Through Astrology? |शत्रु नाश प्रयोग

How To destroy enemies through astrology,  How to protect ourselves from enemies. If you are suffering from enemies attack, if you are hit badly by enemies attack. If you want to save yourself from the enemies attack, if you want protection kawach to live a smooth life then this article will help you a lot. shatru nash prayog In this competitive age due to jealousy and to get success any how people are using the black lores, black magic, evils power to dominate the opponent which is not good. Actually they don't know the climax of doing this type of process. Many times due to ignorance too some are engage with some evil effects. Competitors become our enemies due to misconception or jealousy and they start affecting the life of opponent by using different ways. Competition is not bad but use of evil ways to destroy the competitor is not good any way. Here I just want to say only one thing that using the enemy destroying process is not eas...

Reasons of Success of Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook

Numerology case study of google , Numerology Reasons of success of Google, LinkedIn twitter, Facebook Why the social networking sites are so much popular, how numerology shows the success history of social networking sites. Numerology of social media success Every one in this world are now familiar with Google, LinkedIn  twitter and Facebook  These sites has made their unique identity in a very few time. I am going to reveal the power of astrology and numerology for these sites. Here you will know that why these sites has got so much popularity, here you will come to know that how if a planet support any one then success comes from all directions. Here you will be compelled to know the powers of planets.  First of all lets see the numerology of GOOGLE + COM 3+7+7+3+3+5 + 3+7+4 28+14 1+5 6 Launched Date of Google is 4-09-1998 4+9+27 40 4 Details: Number 6 represent the planet Venus and Number 4 represent the planet Rahu...

Astrology Services By Astrologer

Get the Best Astrology Services By Astrologer Online Contact Astrologer For True Guidance>> Astrologer is a person who can guide by reading horoscope, after studying the planetary positions in horoscope/kundli/birth chart. If any one is facing any problems in life then it is sure that there may be some changes in planetary positions. Because of transit of stars and planets we faces different circumstances in life. Stars and planets affect the personal life, social life, health, professional life, education, marriage, love life, family life etc. So astrology is equally important for every one in this universe. It helps us in taking important decision in life. astrology services online Get best online astrology services from astrologer. Astrology Services for Males and Females. Astrology services for Lovers. World wide astrology services by trusted astrologer Online. Astrology services for businessmen. Medical astrology. Contact Astrologer For True Guidance...

Depression Reasons and Remedies Through Self-Hypnosis and Astrology

What is depression?, Reasons and treating depression through self-hypnosis, how to over come from depression?, Best remedies of depression through self-hypnosis,  Astrologer for Depression problems solutions . Depression is a very special negative state of mind in which a person think negative for himself. In this the person is surrounded by the feelings of despair, frustration, hopelessness, discouragement, despondency, sadness, desolation, disappointment. depression removal ways It's a very dangerous stage of a mind when a person can harm him self. Many times it causes death. So it is very important to treat the depression at very early stage. Reasons of Depression: There are many reasons of depressions for examples- Due to regular failure in any field person gets depressed. Due to not getting good marks in exam student gets depressed. Even sportsmen also fall in depression when not winning the game after many efforts. In unemployed time also not only youth bu...

Why To Believe In Vedic Culture?

Why to believe in Vedic culture, power points of vedic culture, benefits and advantages which we can get from vedic astrology. Vedic culture is the soul of The great India, Vedic rituals are very scientific and always ready to open the way of success in life. India is known for it's spiritual power and therefore people around the world seek guidance from the Indian sages, spiritual masters and other scholars. The rituals which are given in Vedas i.e. in the holy books/scriptures are very rich and if any one follow them then no doubt success comes from all direction in his or her life. This is not just a gossip but there are proper reasons to believe and to follow vedic culture. Here in this article I am providing you some best points which will clear every one's mind. significance of vedic culture Read this article to know the reasons of benefits of eating meal in banana leaf, benefit of doing spiritual practice under banyan tree, peepal tree, advantage of performin...

Sudden Money Gaining Yogas In Kundli

Sudden Money Gaining Yogas In Kundli, unexpected monetary benefits as per horoscope, which yogas make millionaire in astrology?. Money is the need of everyone and so everyone is doing hard work to get it but there are many people who get wealth, money because of destiny. This happen because of powerful yoga and planetary position in birth- chart. There are some rajyogas too which help people to live a luxurious life. We have often heard about someone has got gold while going somewhere, someone has got lottery, someone got wealth from any relative, some got treasure from earth etc. and life changed suddenly. This type of incidents take place when horoscope is blessed with powerful Dhan Prapti Yoga. Sudden Money Gaining Yogas In Kundli Planets resides in different houses of kundli with different zodiacs and form different yogas, some yogas are responsible for sudden or unexpected monetary benefits or wealth benefits. Let’s see which type of incidents comes under Akasmik ...

Chhat Puja Power And Importance

Chhath puja importance, how to perform chhath pooja, what to do for success in chhat puja, story behind the chhat puja, Process of Chhat Puja. Chhat puja is also called surya shashthi, chhati puja,dala chhat. This puja is mainly done to show our gratitude towards sun to give us all the things to live a successful life. It is also believed that chhati maiya bless the person who worship on this day. This festival is one of the popular festival of the great India and mainly celebrated in north India. In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar chhat is celebrated in very auspicious way. During this puja people do the pooja of sun at the rising time and setting time. People use to take bath, keep fast and offer prasad after performing pooja. Chhat Puja Power And Importance There are many stories related with this pooja. One is from the mahabharat time. It is said that Kunti the mother of Pandavas worshiped the god sun with special mantra and then sun blessed the kunti with the Karna and from...

What Is Vashikaran Yantra

What Is Vashikaran Yantra, A device to perform vashikaran or hypnotism or Sammohan. This article is given only for knowledge purpose. Vashikaran Yantra is a gift to the human being. This is a special designed metallic plate which is used during vashikaran process. It is charged with special spell or mantra. A siddha vashikaran yantra is used to attract the desired person, thing, Money etc. What  Is Vashikaran Yantra If you are confused about the terms used in this subject then definitely the following article will give you benefit.This is a rare and mysterious science of ancient India and if used properly then change the life of a person completely. It is the process to enter in sea of positivity. Vashikaran yantra are made on different types of metals like as - Gold, Silver, asthdhatu, panchdhatu, Copper, Bhoj patr, crystal etc. We are generally confused due to so many different concepts related to this but the main thing about this subject is that it is a syste...

Govardhan Pooja Significance

Gowardhan pooja significance, Story behind govardhan puja, how gowardhan pooja celebrated in villages of India.  The next day of Deepawali/diwali is very important in India special in villages because on this day "Govardhan pooja" is celebrated with great excitement and joy. This puja is also known as Annakoot puja or annakut pooja.  gowardhan puja Let's Know The Story Behind Gowardhan puja: Govardhan puja is celebrated in memory of lord krishna teaching to take care of nature. Once upon a time when king of heaven i.e. INDRA became arrogant and so lord krishna has decided to teach him a lesson.  Krishna asked people to worship the mountain GOWARDHAN because this mountain saves people from critical situations.People followed the instructions and started worshipping the mountain. By seeing this INDRA  became angry and to punish the people started heavy rain and thunder. To save people Krishna then lift the GOWARDHAN MOUNTAIN in his little finger and sa...

Ratna Chikitsa In English

What is ratna chikitsa, how to perform ratna chikitsa, benefit of ratna chikitsa, some important points to keep in mind. One of the ancient subject of the great India is Ratna chikitsa in which divine gems are used to heal any one. For best result mined gems stones are used to treat any one. It is proved in researches that rays which passes through gems stones energizes the person and increase the power through which person is able to live a comfortable life. ratna chikitsa sevices by jyotish In astrology gems stones/ratn are used for decades to enhance the power of planets and to over come from many problems of life. We differentiate the gems stones or ratna on the basis of there colors and technically there are many tests like density test color test etc are done to find the power of gems stones. Although they are very expensive so middle class person is not able to afford them in that case substitutes gems are also helpful somehow. Astrology and Diseases: Through a...

Special Poojas For Success

Special Poojas For Success and astrology guidance to make life better. Vedic astrology science is the only science which not only give the way to know the problems of life but also shows the remedies to get rid off from the malefic effects of different things. In horoscope there are many types of problems presents and due to that a person suffers whole the life until a good person tells him or her about the problems and remedies. So here i am going to tell you about very important different types of pooja which will help you to find the right way to move for your success. Special Poojas For Success Astroshree is the trusted place and serving around the world for the years. Our mission is not to earn and earn from the spiritual science but to keep them alive so that people may take the benefits from this science for their upliftment.  Here i am providing the different types of poojas and their importance. It is not necessary that...