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Chandra Grahan Is on 16th July 2019

Chandra grahan 16 july, 2019 , Tuesday, What to do, Impact on 12 zodiacs as per astrology. 

As per vedic jyotish, chandra grahan is very important and every practitioner of occult science wait for this auspicious time. It is believed that, this time is good for siddhis i.e. supernatural powers. That's why tantrik, spell casters, spiritual practitioners wait for chandra grahan whole year. 

chandra grahan 16th july time, pooja to do
Chandra Grahan Is on 16th July 2019

As per hindu panchang, grahan will form in the night of guru poornima and when there is Uttrashada nakshatra. It will remain approx 3 hour and will be seen in India.

Let's Know Some Important Points About Chandra Grahan:

  • In 2019 Chandra grahan will be seen in India and is on Guru Poornima night. 
  • The time of Grahan is from 1:32 to 4:30 AM. 
  • Sutka will star at approx 4:00 PM
  • This time, chandra grahan will be seen in India, Pakistan, turkey, Ukraine, iraan, iraak, south Africa, Antarctica, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan etc. 

This Chandra grahan is not good for following 8 Zodiacs:

If you are belong to aries, taurus, gemini, leo, virgo, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn then you must take precaution as this grahan is inauspicious for you as per astrology. Loss of health, wealth may occur in case of Inattentiveness

This Chandra grahan is Auspicious for the following 4 zodiacs:

If you are belong to Cancer, Libra, Pisces then not to worry.

At the time of grahan impact of rahu increases and so negative energies become active. So it is good to not do any important work and avoid travelling. It is good to perform prayers only.

How to utilize this chandra grahan :

  1. Don't go outside at the time of grahan. Pregnant women must not go out in any case.
  2. Don't eat and drink any thing at the time of grahan. 
  3. Do only prayers or chant spells. 
  4. Do not sleep at the time of chandra grahan. 
  5. Don't touch any statues of god or goddess. 
  6. Maintain silence and keep focus on your prayers. 
Chandra grahan 16 july, 2019 , Tuesday, What to do, Impact on 12 zodiacs as per astrology. 


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