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Dattatray Jayanti Significance

when is datta jayanti in 2023, Dattatray Jayanti significance, Birthday of Lord Dattatreya, what to do for success on dutt poornima. 

One of the auspicious day for the devotees and scholars is Poornima of Aghan month as per hindu panchang which falls in December every year. This day is very important because the birthday of guru dattatray is celebrated on this day. This day is also known as Dattatreya Jayanti/dutt poornima. Hindu God Dattatreya (Datta) is a combined form of the powerful trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

In the year 2023, Datt jayanti will be celebrated on 26th of December, Tuesday
when is datta jayanti in 2023, Dattatray Jayanti significance, Birthday of Lord Dattatreya, what to do for success on dutt poornima.
Dattatray Jayanti Significance

Lord Dutta is also known as Avadhut and Digambar. Devotees feel the presence of lord in these days also.
The worship of guru dattatray is very popular in Maharashtra and gujarat in India.

Not only normal people but tantric also prefer to worship dattatray because it is believed that he give success in any tantric rituals.

 Read about powerful DATTATREY VAJRA KWACH

  Lord Dattatrey has learnt lessons from 24 Masters present in this Universe:
  1. Earth(पृथ्वी)
  2. Water(जल)
  3. Wind(वायु)
  4. Fire(अग्नि)
  5. Sky(आकाश)
  6. Sun(सूर्य )
  7. Moon(चन्द्रमा)
  8. Sea(समुद्र)
  9. Python(अजगर)
  10. Pigeon(कपोत)
  11. Insect(पतंगा)
  12. Fish( मछली)
  13. Deer(हिरण)
  14. Elephant(हाथी)
  15. Bee(मधुमक्खी)
  16. Person Who take out honey(शहद निकालने वाला)
  17. Kurar Bird(कुरर पक्षी)
  18. Virgin Girl(कुमारी कन्या)
  19. Snake( सर्प)
  20. Child(बालक)
  21. Pingla Prostitute(पिंगला वैश्या)
  22. Arrow Maker(बाण बनाने वाला)
  23. Spider(मकड़ी)
  24. Caterpillar(भृंगी कीट)

History and Significance :

Guru Dattatrayji  is the son of the sage Atri and his wife Anusuiya. According to legend, Anusuiya performed a tapasya to have a son having the qualities of the Trinity i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The three gods are said to have appeared in front of Anusuiya in form of sages and asked her to feed in her alms naked.

Then by using her divine powers Anusuiya transformed the sages into babies. She then fed them with her breast milk. When sage Atri returned, she told him the incident.

When the gods did not return to home then their wives begged Anusuiya to forgive them. When the gods returned to their original form, they blessed the couple with the son Dattatreya, who is considered to be a form of all deities.

What Devotees Do To Bring Success in Life?

  1. It is believed that only the chanting of name 1008 times  of guru dattatray is enough to remove problems of life. 
  2. On Dutt Poornima day, the devotees get up early in the morning and take holy bath in rivers and do fast for the day.
  3. Panchopchar pooja is done and then read the “Guru Charitra”.
  4. Devotees also take round of lord dattatray statues to seek blessings. 
  5. Distributes Prasad among people around and in temple. 

Easy Spell To Worship lord Dattatray:

Om Guru dattatreyay namah(ॐ गुरु दत्तात्रेयाय नमः )

ॐ दिगम्बराय विद्महे |
अत्री पुत्राय धीमहि तन्नोि दत: प्रचोदयात्‌ ||
Om Digambaraay Vidmahe| ati putraay dheemahi tanno dattah prachodyat||


ॐ दत्तात्रेया विद्महे ,दिगंबराय धीमही 
तन्नो दत: प्रचोदयात् ||
Om Dattatreyaay vidmahe digambaaraay dheemahi tanno dattah prachodyaat ||

Anyone can chant this divine spell to attract the blessings of lord dattatrey.

Know let's know some important points related to Guru Datt:
  • Lord dattt is very famous in Naath Yogis and so Naath yogis perform special prayers on the auspicious day of Datt Poornima. 
  • Girnar mountain in Junagarh region is very famous and treated as a sacred place where lord dattraay is present as per belief of devotees. 
  • Tantrik poojas are also done on this auspicious day of dutt jayanti by tantriks. It is believed that guru dattatray easily bless devotees. 
  • One can fulfill materialistic wishes and spiritual wishes by worshiping lord dutt.
  • As Guru datt has combined power of trinity, Brahma, Vishnu Mahesh and so by worshiping him only, people can get benefits of worshipping 3 lords. 
If anyone is facing problems in life then it is good to worship lord dattatray but before doing any tantra practice do consult any scholar always. 

  • If you want to consult astrologer for horoscope reading and to know the new year predictions then do consult here. 
  • Know about lucky gems stone from astrologer.
  • Know about best poojas for you.
  • Find the future as per your horoscope. 
  • Get solutions of love life problems, married life problem, financial problem, stars problem from astrologer. 
when is datta jayanti in 2023, Dattatray Jayanti significance, Birthday of Lord Dattatreya, what to do for success on dutt poornima. 


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