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12 Zodics Details As Per Vedic Astrology

We have already read about significance of vedic jyotish/astrology, vedic months, elements related to planets in previous lessons, know in this 3rd free lesson of astrology I am going to explain about 12 zodiacs and there qualities.
free astrology lesson of 12 zodiacs
12 Zodics Details As Per Vedic Astrology

we all know that in kundli numbers are written and every number is related with specific zodiac/rashi. Astrologers just by seeing the number know that which rashi is in which house.

So by knowing related numbers any one can know about related zodiac in different houses. For example 1 is related with Aries/mesh, 4 is related with Cancer or kark, 9 is related with Sagittarius, 12 is related with pisces and so on. In this lesson you can get details about number relations with zodiacs.

In zodiac belt every rashi is present in specific place and we can know them by knowing the degree of every zodiac. In this lesson we will know about degrees of rashis too.
Every zodiac is controlled by one master, in this lesson we can know about which planet is master of which zodiac.

Not only this every zodiac has its own color, own sex, varn etc. We can know about them by reading this lesson of astrology.

Our nature also depends upon the zodiac we have and so astrologers by knowing the rashi of any one know about some qualities of person. So here some knowledge is given about nature of person as per the rashi he or she have.

In astrology zodiac signs are very important because every person has different zodiac sign and it decides the nature of person. Just by knowing the zodiac sign, it is possible to know many things about the personality of person.

How to know the zodiac sign of any person?

It is necessary to have birth chart of any person to know the zodiac, It is also called "RASHI" in hindi. First of all see in which house the Moon is present and then see what is the number present in that house. Every number represent a particular zodiac sign. The number which is present with the moon is the zodiac sign of the person. For example if Moon is present with number 4 that means the Rashi of person is Cancer/kark.

Let's understand which number is related with which zodiac sign:

  1. Aries
  2. Taurus
  3. Gemini
  4. Cancer
  5. Leo
  6. Virgo
  7. Libra
  8. Scorpio
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarius
  12. Pisces
Now Let's Understand Every Zodiac Sign In Detail In this Free Astrology Tutorial:

1. Aries/Mesh Zodiac

  • This is the first sign in zodiac and present from 1 to 30 degree in zodiac belt. This zodiac sign seems like sheep. As the sheep always ready to fight and powerful so as the people having aries zodiac sign also powerful and always ready to fight if circumstances allow them.
  • Nature of Aries : The nature of this zodiac is very fickle.
  • Master of Aries is MARS.
  • Color of Aries is RED.
  • Sex of Aries - MALE.
  • Residence of this zodiac is FOREST.
  • Element related with this zodiac is FIRE.
  • Varn related with this is KSHATRIYA.
  • It mainly impacts on head of any person and makes the person courageous, loyal towards friends, short tempered, etc. It also create feeling of egoism. This zodiac is powerful during night.

2. Taurus/Vrisabh Zodiac

  • It seems like ball. In zodiacs, it is present in 2nd place from 30 to 60 degree.
  • Nature of taurus is STABLE.
  • It master is VENUS.
  • It's color is WHITE.
  • Direction is SOUTH.
  • Sex of taurus is FEMALE.
  • Residence of vrishabh rashi is water place, grounds having grasses.
  • Element related with this is EARTH.
  • It's mainly impacts on FACE and THROAT.
  • It makes a person cool in nature, selfish, clever, intelligent, good in worldly work. Person having this sign are strong like Bull and this zodiac is powerful in during night time.

3. Gemini/Mithun Zodiac

  • It is the third sign in zodiac belt from 60 to 90 degree. It looks like COUPLE(male and female).
  • The nature of gemini is MISCELLENEOUS.
  • Master of gemini is MERCURY.
  • The color of this zodiac is GREEN.
  • Direction related to Gemini is WEST.
  • Sex of this zodiac is MALE.
  • Residence of mithun rashi is bed room, garden, gambling place etc.
  • Element related to this is AIR.
  • Varn is SHUDRA.
  • It mainly put impacts on Arms, Neck, Lungs, Breathing Organs.
  • Gemini is powerful during Day time.
  • It makes a person minded and artistic.

4. Cancer/Kark Zodiac

  • This sign is present in 4th place in zodiac belt from 90 to 120 degree and master of kark rashi is Moon.
  • The nature of cancer is MOVABLE.
  • The color related to cancer is PINK or WHITE.
  • The direction associated with this zodiac is NORTH.
  • Residence of Kark rashi is near pond, bank of river, sandy land etc.
  • Element related to Cancer is WATER.
  • Varn is Shudra.
  • The main impacts of this zodiac is on Breast, Stomach, Kidney, Heart etc.
  • This type of persons makes effort to get the worldly desires, they are punctual, shy nature but minded, seems hard outside but smooth from inside.

5. Leo or Simha Zodiac

  • This zodiac looks like Lion and it is present in 5th place in zodiac belt from 120 to 150 degree. the master of Simha rashi is SUN.
  • The nature of Leo is stable.
  • The color associated with this zodiac is YELLOW.
  • Direction associated with Leo is EAST.
  • Sex is MALE.
  • Residence of Simha Rashi is Hill area, Cave, Forest etc.
  • Element related to this is FIRE.
  • Varn is KSHATRIYA.
  • The main impacts of this zodiac on Stomach,Digestive System and Heart.
  • Person becomes healthy, kind, wandering in nature because of the impact of this zodiac.

6. Virgo or Kanya Zodiac

  • It looks like girl is doing boating. Virgo present in 6th place in zodiac belt from 150 to 180 degree.
  • It is of mixed nature and master of Kanya rashi is Mercury.
  • Color associated with this is GREEN.
  • Direction associated with this is SOUTH.
  • Sex is FEMALE.
  • Residence of kanya rashi is grass ground area.
  • Element related with Virgo is EARTH.
  • Varn of virgo is SHUDRA.
  • Related body parts are Waist, Intestines and parts below stomach.
  • This type of persons take care of self respect, addicted to knowledge and self growth.
  • It is powerful during night time

7. Libra or Tula Zodiac

  • It looks like a person carrying Weighing instrument. It is the 7th sign in zodiac belt from 180 to 210 degree.
  • Nature of Libra is MOVABLE.
  • Master of Libra is Venus.
  • Color associated with tula rashi is blackish.
  • Direction associated with this is WEST.
  • Sex is MALE.
  • Residence of tula rashi is business places.
  • Element related with this zodiac is AIR.
  • Varn of Libra is SHUDRA.
  • It mainly impacts on body parts below NAVEL.
  • Due to the impact of Libra, person get the quality of singing, thinking, ways of getting things done.
  • It is powerful during DAY TIME.

8. Scorpio or Vrischik Rashi

  • It looks like scorpio and present in 8th place in zodiac belt from 210 to 240 degree.
  • Nature of vrischik rashi is Stable.
  • Master of Scorpio is Mars.
  • Color associated with vrschik is white and golden.
  • Direction related with this is NORTH.
  • Sex is FEMALE.
  • Residence of Scorpio zodiac is rocky area, caves etc.
  • Element related with this is Water.
  • Race or Varn is BRAHMIN.
  • It puts impacts mainly on pennis, sex organs etc.
  • It makes a person obstinate, clear talking, good will power etc.
  • It is powerful during DAY TIME.

9. Sagittarius or Dhanu

  • It looks like a man which has body of horse below waist and having archer in his hands.
  • Sagittarius is the 9th sign in zodiac belt from 240 to 270 degree.
  • Nature of Dhanu is MIXED.
  • Color associated with this is Golden.
  • Master of Dhanu rashi is JUPITER.
  • Direction associated with this is EAST.
  • Sex is Male.
  • Residence related with Sagittarius is place, stable etc.
  • Element related with this is FIRE.
  • Varn is KSHATRIYA.
  • It put impacts maninly on thigh, liver, artries and veins.
  • These persons have strong body with good controlling power.
  • It is powerful during night time.

10. Capricorn or Makar Zodiac

  • It looks like a face of Deer with body of crocodile. Capricorn is 10th sign in zodiac belt from 270 to 300 degree.
  • The nature of capricorn is movable or fickle.
  • Master of Capricorn is Saturn.
  • Color associated with this is YELLOW.
  • Sex is MALE.
  • Residence area of Capricorn is Water place and forests.
  • Element associated with Makar rashi is Earth.
  • Varn of capricorn is VAISHYA.
  • It put impacts mainly on Knee, Bones, Joints etc.
  • These type of persons are ambitious, want regular growth, good psychic.
  • It is powerful during NIGHT TIME.

11. Aquarius Or Kumbh Zodiac

  • It looks like a person having kalash in his arms. Kumbh rashi is the 11th sign in zodiac belt from 300 to 330 degree.
  • The nature of aquarius is stable.
  • Master of this zodiac is SATURN.
  • Color of Aquarius is CHITKABRA.
  • Direction associated with this is WEST.
  • Sex is MALE.
  • Residence of aquarius is water place or house of kumhaar.
  • Element associated with this is AIR.
  • Varn is SHUDRA.
  • It maninly put impacts on blood and it's circulation.
  • These persons has beliefs on religion, having cool nature, excited and experimental.
  • Aquarius is powerful during DAY TIME.

12. Pisces or Meen Zodiac

  • It looks like 2 fishes looking towards the tail of each other.
  • Pisces is the 12th sign in zodiac belt from 330 to 360 degree.
  • Nature of Meen rashi is MIXED.
  • Master of Pisces is JUPITER.
  • Color associated with this is MIXED.
  • Direction related with this zodiac is NORTH.
  • Sex is Female.
  • Residence area of pisces is water place, river, pond, sea etc.
  • Element related with this is WATER.
  • Varn is BRAHMIN.
  • It impacts mainly on legs, generate cough, etc.
  • It represent kindness, good behavior etc.
  • Pisces is strong during NIGHT TIME.
So here in free tutorial of astrology is given related to 12 zodiacs. Hope this will help to understand power of astrology. In next lesson we will include more topics.

Zodiacs In Astrology Lesson, 12 zodiacs details, बारह राशियाँ, Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo, Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius,Pisces.


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