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Showing posts from February, 2022

How To Play Holi As Per Astrology?

How To Play Holi As Per Astrology?, What To do In Holi Fire or Holika Dahan To Get Success, Choose colors as per your zodiac to enhance luck, Poojas and Totkays on Holy Festival. How To Play Holi As Per Astrology How To Play Astro Holi? A totally new sentence for every one. Astro holy is a concept which arises in my mind when i started to think that how to make holy good for every one, how to play holy so that it become fruitful for everyone. It is again related to a science of offering the good things to others. In my one article What to do in holy for planetary peace i have already described what to offer in holy  fire to overcome from the malefic effects of planets.In the same way we can also minimize the malefic effects of planets by using the concept of astro holi. Now the question is that how to play this holy? Play Astro Holy For Prosperity and Successful LIFE  It's Very simple you don't have to make change in type of holy you play but you

Falgun Month Importance as per astrology

When will the month of Phalgun start 2022, importance of Falgun month, astrology tips to remove problems of life. The month of Falgun is the last month of the Hindu year according to the Hindu calendar. In 2022, the month of Phagun will start from 17th February and will last till 18th March. Chaitra month begins after fagun. If seen,  it is a month of joy and gaiety, from this month the cold starts decreasing and the summer starts due to which the weather becomes very romantic. Spiritually also fagun month has a lot of importance because we get many important days in it to perform spiritual practices, rituals to make our life trouble-free and wonderful. Falgun Month Importance as per astrology पढ़िए हिंदी में फाल्गुन महीने का महत्त्व 2022 Watch video here: Let us know which important days we will get in the month of Falgun: February 24 is the day of Sita Ashtami when Mother Sita will be worshipped. Ekadashi fast will be on 26th February, Saturday. Mahashivratri will be celebrate

What is vedic watch

 What is vedic clock, meaning of words used in vedic watch, Importance of vedic watch. The only difference between Vedic clock and other clock is that in Vedic clock we find time in our ancient language Sanskrit which has its own importance and these words have deep meaning in themselves. हिंदी में पढ़िए वैदिक घड़ी के रहस्य के बारे में  Let us know how the time is shown in this clock: Time Vedic Time 1:00 ब्रह्म (brahm) 2:00 अश्विनौ (Ashwinau)ौ 3:00 त्त्रिगुणा: (Trigunah) 4:00 चतुर्वेदा: (Chaturvedah) 5:00 पंचप्राणा: (Pacnhpranah) 6:00 षड्र्सा: (Shadrasah) 7:00 सप्तर्षय: (Saptarshyah) 8:00 अष्टसिद्धिय: (Ashtsiddhayah) 9:00 नवद्रव्याणि (Navdravyani) 10:00 दशदिशः (Dashdishah) 11:00 रुद्रा: (Rudrah) 12:00 आदित्या: (Adityah) Time is depicted in the Sanskrit language in