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shree laxmi Strotram for grand pleasures

Shree laxmi strotram for grand pleasures, divine mantras to attract happiness, peace and success in life, shree laxmi strotram in Sanskrit and english.

Lakshmi Strotram is very sacred and whoever recites it thrice a day i.e. in the morning, afternoon and evening becomes like lord Kubera i.e. god of treasures. Whoever recites this source 5 lakh times, this source become active i.e. siddha and start giving full results. Whoever recites Lakshmi Stotra continuously for 1 month, he becomes very happy.

Astrologers also suggest this divine stroram to remove problems of life.

So to remove our sorrows, to please Mother Lakshmi, to attract grand pleasures, we can recite Lakshmi Stotram daily 3 times a day i.e. in the morning, in noon and in the evening.

Shree laxmi strotram for grand pleasures, divine mantras to attract happiness, peace and success in life, shree laxmi strotram in Sanskrit and english.
shree laxmi Strotram for grand pleasures

इन्द्र उवाच/INDRA UVAACH:

ऊँ नम: कमलवासिन्यै नारायण्यै नमो नम: ।

कृष्णप्रियायै सारायै पद्मायै च नमो नम: ॥1॥

Om Namah Kamalvasinyai Narayanye Namo Namah.

Krishnapriyai saraai padmayai cha namo namah: ||1||

पद्मपत्रेक्षणायै च पद्मास्यायै नमो नम: ।

पद्मासनायै पद्मिन्यै वैष्णव्यै च नमो नम: ॥2॥

Padmapatrekshanaayai cha padmasayai namo namah.

Padmasanai padminyai vaishnavye cha namo namah: ||2||

सर्वसम्पत्स्वरूपायै सर्वदात्र्यै नमो नम: ।

सुखदायै मोक्षदायै सिद्धिदायै नमो नम: ॥3॥

Sarvasampatswarupayai Sarvadaatryai Namo Namah.

Sukhadayai Mokshadayai Siddhidayai Namo Namah:  ||3||

हरिभक्तिप्रदात्र्यै च हर्षदात्र्यै नमो नम: ।

कृष्णवक्ष:स्थितायै च कृष्णेशायै नमो नम: ॥4॥

Haribhaktipradatryai cha Harshadatryai namo namah.

Krishna Vaksha: sthitayai cha krishnasayai namo nama:  ||4||

कृष्णशोभास्वरूपायै रत्नपद्मे च शोभने ।

सम्पत्त्यधिष्ठातृदेव्यै महादेव्यै नमो नम: ॥5॥

Krishna Shobhaswarupayai Ratnapadme Cha Shobhane.

Sampathyadhyatradevai Mahadevai Namo Nam: ||5||

शस्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै च शस्यायै च नमो नम: ।

नमो बुद्धिस्वरूपायै बुद्धिदायै नमो नम: ॥6॥

Shasyadhishtatridevayai cha shasayai cha namo namah.

Namo Buddhiswarupayai Buddhidayai Namo Namah: ||6||

वैकुण्ठे या महालक्ष्मीर्लक्ष्मी: क्षीरोदसागरे ।

स्वर्गलक्ष्मीरिन्द्रगेहे राजलक्ष्मीर्नृपालये ॥7॥

Vaikunthe or Mahalakshmirlakshmi: Ksirodasagare.

Swargalakshmirindragehe Rajalakshmirnripalaye ||7||

गृहलक्ष्मीश्च गृहिणां गेहे च गृहदेवता ।

सुरभी सा गवां माता दक्षिणा यज्ञकामिनी ॥8॥

Grihalakshmischa grinam gehe ch gridhdevta|

Surbhi sa gawa mata Dakshina Yagyakamini  ||8||

अदितिर्देवमाता त्वं कमला कमलालये ।

स्वाहा त्वं च हविर्दाने कव्यदाने स्वधा स्मृता ॥9॥

Aditi Devmata and Kamala Kamallaye.

Swaha skinh havidane kavyadane swadha smriti  ||9||

त्वं हि विष्णुस्वरूपा च सर्वाधारा वसुन्धरा ।

शुद्धसत्त्वस्वरूपा त्वं नारायणपरायणा ॥10॥

Tvam hi Vishnuswarupa cha Sarvadhara Vasundhara.

Shuddha Sattva Swaroopa Tvam Narayanparayana  ||10||

क्रोधहिंसावर्जिता च वरदा च शुभानना ।

परमार्थप्रदा त्वं च हरिदास्यप्रदा परा ॥11॥

krodhhinsavarjita ch varda ch shubahanan|

Paramarthaprada Tvam Ch Haridasyaprada Para  ||11||

यया विना जगत् सर्वं भस्मीभूतमसारकम् ।

जीवन्मृतं च विश्वं च शवतुल्यं यया विना ॥12॥

Yaya vina jagat sarvam bhasmibhootamsarakam.

jeevanmritam cha vishwach shivatulyam ya vinaya ||12||

सर्वेषां च परा त्वं हि सर्वबान्धवरूपिणी ।

यया विना न सम्भाष्यो बान्धवैर्बान्धव: सदा ॥13॥

Sarveshan cha para tvam hi sarvabandhavarupini.

Yaya Vina Na Sambhashyo Bandhavairbandhava: sada ||13||

त्वया हीनो बन्धुहीनस्त्वया युक्त: सबान्धव: ।

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां त्वं च कारणरूपिणी ॥14॥

Twaya hino badhuhinastwaya yuktah sabandhwah|

Dharmarthkaammokshanam twm ch karanrupini |||14|||

यथा माता स्तनन्धानां शिशूनां शैशवे सदा ।

तथा त्वं सर्वदा माता सर्वेषां सर्वरूपत: ॥15॥

yatha mata stanandhanam shishunam shaishawe sada|

tatha twm sarwada mata sarvesham sarvarupatah  ||15||

मातृहीन: स्तनत्यक्त: स चेज्जीवति दैवत: ।

त्वया हीनो जन: कोsपि न जीवत्येव निश्चितम् ॥16॥

Matruhinam stantyaktah sa che chejjivati daivatah.

Tvaya Hino Jana: Koapi na jeevatyev nishitam ||1|6||

सुप्रसन्नस्वरूपा त्वं मां प्रसन्ना भवाम्बिके ।

वैरिग्रस्तं च विषयं देहि मह्यं सनातनि ॥17॥

Suprasannswarupa twm maam prasanna bhawambike |

vairigrastam cha vidyam dehi mahyam sanatani  ||17||

वयं यावत् त्वया हीना बन्धुहीनाश्च भिक्षुका: ।

सर्वसम्पद्विहीनाश्च तावदेव हरिप्रिये ॥18॥

Vayam yavat tvaya heena bandhuhinashch bhikshuka:.

Sarvasampadvihinashch Tavdev Haripriya || 18||

राज्यं देहि श्रियं देहि बलं देहि सुरेश्वरि ।

कीर्तिं देहि धनं देहि यशो मह्यं च देहि वै ॥19॥

Rajyam Deh Shriyam Deh Balam Dehi Sureshwari |

Kirtim dehi dhanam dehi yasho mahyam cha dehi vai ||19||

कामं देहि मतिं देहि भोगान् देहि हरिप्रिये ।

ज्ञानं देहि च धर्मं च सर्वसौभाग्यमीप्सितम् ॥20॥

Kaam dehi matim dehi  bhogan dehi haripriye.

Gyanam dehi cha dharmam cha sarvasaubhagyamipsitam  ||20||

प्रभावं च प्रतापं च सर्वाधिकारमेव च ।

जयं पराक्रमं युद्धे परमैश्वर्यमेव च ॥21॥

Prabhavam cha pratapam cha sarvadhikarmeva ch |

Jaya Parakramam Yudde Parameshwaryamev Ch  ||21||


इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यं त्रिसंध्यं य: पठेन्नर: ।

कुबेरतुल्य: स भवेद् राजराजेश्वरो महान् ॥

सिद्धस्तोत्रं यदि पठेत् सोsपि कल्पतरुर्नर: ।

पंचलक्षजपेनैव स्तोत्रसिद्धिर्भवेन्नृणाम् ॥

सिद्धिस्तोत्रं यदि पठेन्मासमेकं च संयत: ।

महासुखी च राजेन्द्रो भविष्यति न संशय: ॥

॥ इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्तमहापुराणे इन्द्रकृतं लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

Read about who is mahalaxmi?

Results of reciting this divine laxmi strotram:

Idam Stotram Mahapunyam Trisandhyaya: Pathenarah.

Kuberatulya: Sa Bhaveda Rajarajeshwaro the great.

Siddhastotra if pathet sospi Kalpatarurnar:.

Panchalakshajapenaiva Stotrasiddhidharbhavennrunam.

Siddhistotram if in Pathenmasam ch moderately.

Mahasukhi cha Rajendrao no doubt about the future:

|| Iti Sri Brahmavaivarta Mahapurane Indrakritam Laxmistotra Sampoornam ||

हिंदी में जानिए श्री लक्ष्मी स्त्रोत्रम के पाठ के फायदे 

Meaning of shree laxmi strotram in English:

Devraj Indra said – Salutations to Bhagwati Kamalvasini repeated salutations to Goddess Narayani, many times salutation to the essence of the world the beloved of Krishna Bhagwati Padma.||1||

Salutations to Bhagwati Mahalakshmi with lotus-like eyes like a lotus jewel, who sits on lotus, Repeated salutation to goddess mahalaxmi who is also famous as name Padmini and Vaishnavi. ||2||

Salutations to the provider of all wealth, provider of all type of happiness, provider of salvation, and powers. ||3 ||

Repeated salutations to the supreme goddess who generates devotion in Lord Shrihari and bestows happiness, repeated salutation to the beloved of shree Krishna and who sits on the chest of lord Krishna.||4||

Ratnapadme! Shobhane! You are the beauty of Shri Krishna, the presiding deity and Mahadevi of all wealth, I bow to you again and again.||5||

You are the giver of intelligence and you are yourself intelligence, salutations to you again and again || 6||

Goddess! You reside as Mahalakshmi in Vaikuntha, Lakshmi in Kshira sea, Rajalakshmi in kings' house||7||

 Swargalakshmi in Indra's heaven, Grihalakshmi in householders' house, Grihadevata, Gomata Surabhi and  in the form of Yagya's wife Dakshina in every house.||8||

You are Aditi, the mother of the gods, you are the Kamalalayawasini Kamala, you are “swaha” while doing hawan(spiritual fire) and “swadha ” while doing Kawya(rituals).||9||

You are the earth in the form of Vishnu, the one who holds all, the goddess who is always ready in the worship of Lord Narayan! You are pure form.|| 10||

There is not even the slightest place for anger and violence in you, you are called Varada, Sarada, Shubha, Parmarthada and Haridasyaprada.||11||

Without you the whole world is incinerated and worthless, is dead while alive, is like a dead body.||12||

You are the best mother of all beings, you have come in the form of relations to all, without you even a brother is not even able to talk to his brothers and relatives.||13||

The one who is deprived of your blessings is away from friends and the one who is having blessings of you is having all the relations. By your grace one attains Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.||14|| 

Just as a milk-faced child has a mother in childhood, similarly you, being the mother of the whole world, fulfill all the desires of all.||15||

Breast lad can live in the absence of mother, but no one can live without you, it is absolutely certain.||16||

Hey Ambike! It is your natural quality to always be happy, so be happy with me, Sanatani! My kingdom has gone into the hands of the enemies, by your grace it should be restored to me.||17||

Haripriya! Until I had darshan of you, I was bondless, beggar and devoid of all possessions.||18||

Sureshwari! Now give me kingdom, give me strength, give fame, give money and give fame.||19||

Haripriya! Give desired things, give intelligence, give enjoyment, give knowledge, give religion and give all the desired good fortune.||20||

Apart from this, also give me influence, majesty, complete authority, victory in war, might and attainment of supreme opulence.||21||

Read about how to please mahalaxmi

Results of reciting shree laxmi strotram:

This stotra is very holy, a person who recites it three times can become a king like Kubera, after chanting five lakhs, this stotra is activated for human beings. Will be happy and Rajendra, there is no doubt about it.

Lakshmi Strotram is very sacred and whoever recites it thrice a day i.e. in the morning, afternoon and evening becomes like lord Kubera i.e. god of treasures. Whoever recites this source 5 lakh times, this source become active i.e. siddha and start giving full results. Whoever recites Lakshmi Stotra continuously for 1 month, he becomes very happy.

So to remove our sorrows, to please Mother Lakshmi, to attract grand pleasures, we can recite Lakshmi Stotram daily 3 times a day i.e. in the morning, in noon and in the evening.

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Shree laxmi strotram for grand pleasures, divine mantras to attract happiness, peace and success in life, shree laxmi strotram in Sanskrit and english.


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