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Yakshini Kavach Lyrics And Benefits

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |

Yakshinis are very powerful and are of many types. They are the goddess of beauty and also they have wonderful divine powers. Those who are blessed by Yakshini get all kinds of happiness, get immense wealth, peace, happiness, physical happiness etc.

The recitation of Yakshini Kavacham holds special importance for those who want to receive the blessings of Yakshini. Its recitation gives quick success. Yakshini Kavacham / यक्षिणी कवच fulfills desired wishes. Its description is found in the DAMAR TANTRA.

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |
Yakshini Kavach Lyrics And Benefits

हिंदी में पढ़िए यक्षिणी कवच के फायदे 

Lyrics of Yakshini Kavacham:

।। श्री उन्मत्त-भैरव उवाच ।।

श्रृणु कल्याणि ! मद्-वाक्यं, कवचं देव-दुर्लभं ।

यक्षिणी-नायिकानां तु,संक्षेपात् सिद्धि-दायकं ।।

ज्ञान-मात्रेण देवशि ! सिद्धिमाप्नोति निश्चितं ।

यक्षिणि स्वयमायाति, कवच-ज्ञान-मात्रतः ।।

सर्वत्र दुर्लभं देवि ! डामरेषु प्रकाशितं । पठनात् धारणान्मर्त्यो,

यक्षिणी-वशमानयेत् ।।

विनियोग :-

ॐ अस्य श्रीयक्षिणी-कवचस्य श्रीगर्ग ऋषिः, गायत्री छन्दः,

श्री (अमुकी) यक्षिणी देवता, साक्षात् सिद्धि-समृद्धयर्थे पाठे विनियोगः ।


श्रीगर्ग ऋषये नमः शिरसि,

गायत्री छन्दसे नमः मुखे,

श्री अमुकी यक्षिणी देवतायै नमः हृदि,

साक्षात् सिद्धि-समृद्धयर्थे पाठे

विनियोगाय नमः सर्वांगे।

।। मूल पाठ ।।

शिरो मे यक्षिणी पातु, ललाटं यक्ष-कन्यका ।

मुखं श्री धनदा पातु, कर्णौ मे कुल-नायिका ।।

चक्षुषी वरदा पातु, नासिकां भक्त-वत्सला ।

केशाग्रं पिंगला पातु, धनदा श्रीमहेश्वरी ।।

स्कन्धौ कुलालपा पातु, गलं मे कमलानना ।

किरातिनी सदा पातु, भुज-युग्मं जटेश्वरी ।।

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |

विकृतास्या सदा पातु, महा-वज्र-प्रिया मम ।

अस्त्र-हस्ता पातु नित्यं, पृष्ठमुदर-देशकम् ।।

भेरुण्डा माकरी देवी, हृदयं पातु सर्वदा ।

अलंकारान्विता पातु, मे नितम्ब-स्थलं दया ।।

धार्मिका गुह्यदेशं मे, पाद-युग्मं सुरांगना ।

शून्यागारे सदा पातु, मन्त्र-माता-स्वरुपिणी ।।

निष्कलंका सदा पातु, चाम्बुवत्यखिलं तनुं ।

प्रान्तरे धनदा पातु, निज-बीज-प्रकाशिनी ।।

लक्ष्मी-बीजात्मिका पातु, खड्ग-हस्ता श्मशानके ।

शून्यागारे नदी-तीरे, महा-यक्षेश-कन्यका ।।

पातु मां वरदाख्या मे, सर्वांगं पातु मोहिनी ।

महा-संकट-मध्ये तु, संग्रामे रिपु-सञ्चये ।।

क्रोध-रुपा सदा पातु, महा-देव निषेविका ।

सर्वत्र सर्वदा पातु, भवानी कुल-दायिका ।।

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |

इत्येतत् कवचं देवि ! महा-यक्षिणी-प्रीतिवं ।

अस्यापि स्मरणादेव, राजत्वं लभतेऽचिरात् ।।

पञ्च-वर्ष-सहस्राणि, स्थिरो भवति भू-तले ।

वेद-ज्ञानी सर्व-शास्त्र-वेत्ता भवति निश्चितम् ।

अरण्ये सिद्धिमाप्नोति, महा-कवच-पाठतः ।

यक्षिणी कुल-विद्या च, समायाति सु-सिद्धदा ।।

अणिमा-लघिमा-प्राप्तिः सुख-सिद्धि-फलं लभेत् ।

पठित्वा धारयित्वा च, निर्जनेऽरण्यमन्तरे ।।

स्थित्वा जपेल्लक्ष-मन्त्र मिष्ट-सिद्धिं लभेन्निशि ।

भार्या भवति सा देवी, महा-कवच-पाठतः ।।

ग्रहणादेव सिद्धिः स्यान्, नात्र कार्या विचारणा ।।

।। इति वृहद्-भूत-डामरे महा-तन्त्रे श्रीमदुन्मत्त-भैरवी-भैरव-सम्वादे यक्षिणी-नायिका-कवचम् ।

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |

Meaning of Yakshini Kavach in english:

Kalyani! Listen to the Kavacham of nayika like Yakshini The one who gives rare, brief (quick) success to the gods,

O Goddess! Yakshini herself comes with the mere knowledge of this Kavach and definitely success is attained.

O Goddess! This kawach is rare in all scriptures and present in only DAMAR TANTRA. Yakshini comes under control by reciting it and wearing it after writing it.

Yakshini protecting my head, Yaksha-daughter of the forehead,

Shri Dhanada of the mouth and the family Nayika should protect the ears.

Varda protects the eyes, bhakt vatsla of Nose.

May Shrimaheshwari Pingala, the bestower of wealth, protect the front part of the hair.

Kilalpa protects the shoulders, Kamlanana of the throat.

Let Kiratini and Jateshwari protect both the arms.

May Vikrataasya and Maha-Vajra-Priya always protect me.

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |

Astra Hasta always protect my back and abdomen. 

Makari Devi, who always has a terrible appearance protecting the heart,  and

Daya  who is decorated with ornaments protect the buttock

Genitals should be protected by Dharmika and Surangana should protect both legs.

Mantra-Mata-Swarupini in an empty house 

(Who is in the form of Mother-Matrika of all Mantras) always protect me.

May Nishkalankaa Ambuvati protect my whole body.

Dhanda Prantar who reveals her seed (mantra)

Protect in (long and deserted road, unpopulated or deserted road, uninhabited land).

May the Khadga-Hasta in the form of Lakshmi-Beej (Shrim) protect me in the crematorium and empty buildings (ruins etc.) and on the banks of the river Maha-Yakshesh-Kanya protect me.

Varda protect me. May Mohini protect my whole body.

In times of great distress, in war and in the midst of enemies, the servant of the great god always protect me in the form of anger.

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |

May the goddess Bhavani protect me everywhere.

O Goddess! This armor gives the love of Maha-Yakshini.

Just by remembering this, the seeker soon becomes like a king.

The reciter of the armor lives on earth for five thousand years,

And certainly one becomes the knower of the Vedas and all other scriptures.

Reciting this Maha-Kavach in Aranya (forest, jungle) gives success.

Kul-Vidya Yakshini herself comes and gives Anima, Laghima, Prapti etc. all achievements and happiness.

Wearing armor (in writing) and reciting one lakh chants of Yakshini's mantra sitting inside a deserted forest at night leads to success.

By reciting this Maha-Kavach, that Goddess becomes the wife of the seeker.

There is no need to think about it, you get success by adopting this armor.

Yakshini Kavach verses, Yakshini Kavacham lyrics, What are the benefits of reciting Yakshini Kavach?, यक्षिणी कवच |


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