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Sun And Mars Conjunction Predictions in astrology

What happens if Sun and Mars sit together in the horoscope, the effect of the conjunction of Sun and Mars on the life of the person, predictions.

According to astrology, the influence of 9 planets remains on everyone from birth till death. As per the position of planets in different houses it affects life. 

In the birth chart, planets sometimes sit alone or with someone. In today's article we will learn in detail about the conjunction of Sun and Mars.

According to Vedic astrology, while Mars is the planet responsible for courage, bravery and power, the Sun is the symbol of father, respect, fame, strength, pride and authority. Both these planets are related with fire element.

When Sun and Mars sit together in any house of the horoscope, it is called Surya-Mangal conjunction and due to this some people become violent and angry and some are very successful.

This combination can have both auspicious and inauspicious results. The result depends on the position  and state of the two planets in the horoscope, i.e. whether Sun and Mars are friends or enemies.

What happens if Sun and Mars sit together in the horoscope, the effect of the conjunction of Sun and Mars on the life of the person, predictions.
Sun And Mars Conjunction Predictions in astrology

हिंदी में पढ़िए सूर्य और मंगल की युति का प्रभाव क्या होता है ?

Let us know the auspicious results of Sun Mars conjunction:

  • Leadership potential develops in the person.
  • Self-confidence develops in the person.
  • The ability to take risks develops.
  • The person is interested in politics, leadership and adventurous activities.

Let us know the inauspicious results of Sun Mars conjunction:

  • The person may be quarrelsome.
  • Keeps falling prey to injuries and accidents.
  • The person suffers from high blood pressure and heart related problems.
  • The person gets angry very quickly.
  • Due to unstable mind, dissatisfaction remains in the person.
  • The person keeps having disputes with his family members and life partner.
  • The person gets easily excited about anything.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in 12 houses of horoscope:

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the Ist HOUSE of the birth chart: -

The first house of the horoscope is called Lagna and this house has a deep connection with the person. Due to the conjunction of Sun and Mars in this house, the person may become very excited and unstable. Anger may also be seen in the person. Along with this, the person will be creative and leadership abilities will be seen in him.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 2nd HOUSE of the birth chart: -

If there is a conjunction of Sun and Mars in the second house of the horoscope, then the person can do many things to increase his income. Tension may persist with spouse. There is vigor in the speech of the person and the person is frank. Such people also have a lot of arguments due to which there can be unrest in life.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 3rd HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to the combination of Sun and Mars in the third house of the horoscope, the person is valiant, learned and a traveler. The person may remain troubled due to family discord. The person is interested in religion and adventure. The desire to learn something or the other resides in the personality of the person.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 4th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

The conjunction of Sun and Mars in the fourth house of the horoscope gives the person a passion for increasing permanent wealth. The person tries to dominate his workplace. Even in the family, the person has one-sided rule. The person keeps himself busy in some work or the other.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 5th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to the conjunction of Sun and Mars in the fifth house of the horoscope, the person remains enthusiastic towards education and remains associated with art, sports and risky activities. The person is romantic but can get ruined in immoral relationships due to wrong company.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 6th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to this combination in the sixth house of the horoscope, the person is going to defeat his enemies. The person becomes responsible, courageous and wealthy. The person may also remain entangled in legal matters.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 7th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to the conjunction of Sun and Mars in the seventh house of the horoscope, the person's relations remain far away, he gets success in business but there are problems in marital life. This combination can also give an unsuccessful married life, hence care should be taken.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 8th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to the conjunction of Sun and Mars in the eighth house of the horoscope, the person is one who solves mysteries. He keeps getting huge financial gains from time to time.. The person may continue to have problems related to the digestive system. Problems may persist due to accidents.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 9th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

The conjunction of Sun and Mars in the ninth house of the horoscope makes the person a scholar, the person has the greed to keep learning something or the other, the person remains involved in religion and social service activities. Ancestral property can also be obtained.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 10th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to the formation of this conjunction in the tenth house, the person attains a high position in his field of work. The person develops relationships with higher officials and has tremendous leadership abilities. The person achieves a lot of name and fame in his life.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 11th HOUSE of the birth chart: -

Due to this conjunction in the eleventh house of the horoscope, the person can have multiple sources of income. The person can live a luxurious life. The person is capable of taking his loved ones along with him to great heights.

Effect of conjunction of Sun and Mars in the 12th HOUSE of the horoscope: -

Due to the conjunction of Sun and Mars in the twelfth house of the horoscope, the person is likely to travel. The person has chances of creating permanent property in different places. The person has no shortage of money but the money also does not last. Health related problems persist.

Let us now know the astrological measures to reduce the ill effects of Sun-Mars conjunction:

  • Avoid Spicy food for healthy life.
  • You can recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.
  • You can anoint Shivalinga with water daily.
  • You can meditate by chanting the mantras of Sun and Mars.
  • Surya Mantra is – Om Hram Hrim Hraum Sah Suryay Namah.
  • Mangal mantra is - Om Kram Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumay Namah.
  • If necessary, Shanti Pooja of Sun and Mars is also beneficial in case of inauspicious planets.
If seen, the conjunction of Sun and Mars gives both auspicious and inauspicious results. Its full effect can be seen when these planets are moving in Transit or when there is a conjunction of both the planets in the transit horoscope.

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  • Know about your career.
  • Know about your married life.
  • About proper worship.
  • About lucky stones etc.

What happens if Sun and Mars sit together in the horoscope, the effect of the conjunction of Sun and Mars on the life of the person, predictions.


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