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How to Over Come From Stress?

How to Over Come From Stress, Negativity, Fear Through Astrology.

Stress, fear and negative thinking are the 3 important things which makes a person go down in personal life and professional life. The above feelings when arises in mind makes a person frustrate and compel to take some negative decision which creates problems in day to day life activities.
astrology ways for stress, negative throughs
How to Over Come From Stress?

What are are astrology reasons of Stress, Negativity and Fear?

in physical level many circumstances become of the reasons of stress, negativity and fear but when we enter deeply we find that there are planets which are actually creating the atmosphere. The happenings is because of destiny. Through astrology we can easily find the reasons of unwanted happenings.

Let's see the yogas or planetary positions which creates such type of problems:

  1. The Ist house in the horoscope represent the mind of person and if it is affected badly by any planets then the person will suffer from the stress, negative thinking and fear. For example- if malefic rahu is present in lagna then at the time of mahadasha of rahu the person will face the problem of negative thinking, fear, stress and for this physically reasons will be present automatically. Suppose if angarak yoga is forming in lagna then at the time of mahadasha of mars it may be possible that the person will face accident and due to this he or she will come in stress and frustration.
  2. Grahan yoga is another type of formation in horoscope which is responsible for the stress in person. Rahu when sits with any planets form grahan yoga. suppose if grahan yoga is forming in income place then the person will suffer from the fear of loosing job always and also this yoga create struggle in doing the job smoothly.
  3. If any good planet is present in lagna or Ist house but it is weak then also the person will face the problem of not getting the proper result and due to this stress arises in mind. In that case by using proper gems stone it is possible to generate good power.
  4. It is seen generally that when mahadasha of any malefic planet starts then person definitely passes through the mental torture, physical torture etc and due to this stress, fear and negativity is the common symptoms found in personality.
  5. If the partnership place is badly affected by planets then the person faces problems from his or her partner side.
  6. If the happiness place is not generating power then also the person will face problems in life.
  7. Some times one very dangerous things happens black magic done by competitors or negative minded persons and due to this stress, negativity and fear arises in life and by making common efforts it is not possible to over come from this.
So in reality there is not any particular planet which is creating stress, negativity and fear. Actually every planet can create such feelings if it is negative in birth chart, if it is weak , if it is making any relation with any enemy planet or zodiac.

Impacts of Stress,Negativity and Fear In Life:

  1. Person become restless.
  2. He or she may be puzzled due to problems.
  3. At this complicated period person is unable to find the right way.
  4. Wrong decisions are taken which makes the life more complicated.
  5. It is the sign of downfall.
  6. Person is unable to perform the regular activities normally.
  7. Health problems arises due to frustration.
  8. Financial problems arises due to negative decisions.
  9. Personal life also gets disturbed due to this.
So there are very major impacts of stress, fear and negativity. So it is very necessary to over come from these problematic feelings if we really want to live a successful life.
In Bhagwad Geeta Shree Krishna Says " Vinash kaale viprit Budhhi" means when the time comes wrong then person start thinking in negative direction. So be calm always and pray to god to keep you calm, peaceful and active too.

How to release fear through astrology?

Perfect Remedies To Over Come From Stress, Fear and Negative Thinking:

  • Consult experienced astrologer and ask about which planets are creating problem in your life and ask for proper remedies.
  • If any planet is malefic then by doing its daan, shanti and totkay it is possible to cool the negative planets.
  • By using the proper gems stone it is possible to make the planet strong.
  • We can use the proper gems stones in combination to make our mind strong.
  • Yantra saadhna is also a good way to over come from negative situation in life.
  • Do meditation to increase your mind power, it will also create stamina to be cool in negative time period.
  • By reciting spell daily for sometime in a specific way it is possible to control our mind and circumstances too. How to win fear to live successful life?
  • Through self hypnosis you will be able to control your complete behavior.
  • Doing proper exercises daily and out door games also saves you from stress, fear and negative thinking.
  • share some times with your close friends and share your feelings with them, it is the best way to release stress, negativity and fear.
Don't worry if you are passing from frustration, negative time period, stress, personal and professional pressure. Consult now to get the real ways of success. You will get scientific analysis of your horoscope and perfect remedies of your problems.

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How to Over Come From Stress, Negativity, Fear Through Astrology.


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