Secrets of laxmi sadhna, points to keep in mind whiel doing laxmi saadhna. Tips to perform laxmi saadhna Wealth, prosperity, luxurious life is the dream of every one and for this every one wants to please the goddess of wealth i.e. goddess laxmiji. There are many people who complaint about not getting success in laxmi saadhna, some are performing laxmy prayers for very long time and not getting success, some want to start laxmi saadhna but don't know the basics. Here in this article I am going to reveal some important facts related to laxmi saadhna. People who are interested to perform laxmi prayers can know about important day, important tithis, important mahurat to start and perform laxmi saadhna successfully. It is said that "God neither present in wood nor in stone, Gods present in feeling, positive thinking" and that's why good feelings, positive thinking is the base of any spiritual practice. So the FIRST SECRET of laxmi saadhna is belive, trus...