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Showing posts from April, 2018

How To Be a Successful Manager? Astrology Tips

How To be a successful manager, astrology tips to enhance management qualities. So You want to be a successful manager, you are interested in administration, you want to manage any firm, factory, industry, office, staff etc. No doubt that if you want to be a manager you will be but here in this article i will tell you that how our horoscope shows that a person will become a successful manager and how we can use the astrology ways to increase our managing power. Astrology Tips to become successful manager First of all lets see what are the responsibilities of a manager- A manager has to coordinate with all the senior staffs. A manager has to plan to get the work done in proper time. A manager has to report to their higher authorities for the happenings. A manager has to handle different minded workers at the same time. It is the duty of manager to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the office.  The above are some of the common responsibilities of a manager but the

Astrologer For Lucky Gems Stones

Astrologer For Lucky Gems Stones: Gems stones are source of energy, by using proper gem stone it is possible to increase the power of any planet. Gem is also called "Ratna" in Hindi. If any gem suits you then it can open the way of success where as a wrong gem can destroy the life. So very much precaution is needed to make the life beautiful.  Astrologer For Lucky Gems Stones It is not as easy to find the right stone for a powerful and successful life. There are many persons who came in touch with me and asked that I am wearing the rashi ratna, is it good, Some ask that I am wearing this gem stone only for sake, is it good.  Here I want to say that don't ignore the power of gem stone and it is also not good to wear the ratna as per the raashi or zodiac. Before using any gems stone it is very necessary to make proper analysis of horoscope and then only to decide which is good for the person.  Astrologer For Lucky Gems Stones Many aspect are studied li

Someshwar Mahadev Ujjain Significance

Significance of Someshwar Mahadev ujjain, why people worship at this shiv temple on this day. when amavasya fallson Monday then the day is called somwati amavasya and is very important from the point of view of worshipping lord shiva. Although every amavasya is important from the point of view of offering prayers but when no moon night falls on Monday then its significance increases very much.  Someshwar Mahadev temple The lord of Ashwini nakshtra is KETU and so when amavasya is falling on ashwini nakshatra then the day becomes very important for prayers, worship, tantra saadhna, spiritual practices etc.  This amavasya is very rare and it is good to utilize this day to over come from various problems of life as per astrology.  Monday is related with lord SHIVA and ANCESTORS so this day is also good to perform processes for pitru shanty.  Let’s know about Ujjain, Someshwar Mahadev Temple Significance: Ujjain is said to be the city of Mahakal and also 84 mahadev temp

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Rahu and Ketu

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Rahu and Ketu, Natural remedies to get rid of malefic Rahu and Ketu impacts, inauspicious Rahu and Ketu remedies, Astrology Remedies for Rahu and Ketu or Rahu and Ketua, how to make Rahu and Ketu strong. Before starting this article let me clear a very important concept related to MALEFIC Rahu and Ketu AND WEAK Rahu and Ketu. Malefic Rahu and Ketu means when Rahu and Ketu sits with enemy zodiac then it becomes malefic but weak Rahu and Ketu may be positive or negative. In this article we are going to see only remedies of malefic Rahu and Ketu. There are different solutions of malefic and weak Rahu and Ketu so don't be confused.  How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Rahu and Ketu These 2 planets are known as shadow planets but are very powerful and change life of anyone. Rahu and Ketu plays very important role in our life and as per vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu are related with emotions of person, sudden problems and sudden benefits, negativity, ev

Cat's Eye Gem Stone Secrets

Power of cymophane , benefits of certified lehsuniya/cat's eye, how to buy and where to buy Lehsunia/Cat's Eye, How to wear and use lehsunia for success as per astrology? Do you want to know about a gems stone which is very effective to protect ourself from any type of evil eye effects if charged with spells and worn in auspicious day, do you want to know about a ratn which represent the planet Ketu as per vedic astrology, do you want to know about a gem stone which can enhance your internal power and also open the way to gain spiritual powers then here in this article you can get knowledge about that miraculous gem stone. Cat's Eye Gem Stone details This Stone is called Cat's Eye, in hindi it is called Lehsunia/Lehsuniya and is a available in abundance but very people know about the secrets of lehsunia. This is also known as "cymophane" and is a very popular because of it's look.  This stone is related with the planet Ketu which is also ca

Gomed Gem Stone Secrets

Power of Gomed, benefits of certified Hessonite , how to buy and where to buy, How to wear and use Hessonite for success as per astrology?  Do you want to know about stone related to rahu, do you want to know about a magical gems stone which if suits then open the ways of success from all directions then here in this article you will know about a very magical stone.  benefits of gomed Gomed, yes this is one of the powerful gem stone which is also called Hessonite in english and is a cinnamon stone and comes under the variety of grossular. This stone has the power to enhance the power of rahu in life. It's color is like the urine of cow i.e. reddish yellow.    Who can wear Gomed or Hessonite? As per my experience this stone is good for those who have positive rahu in there horoscope or kundli but not having the power so by wearing this they can enhance the power of this planet and open the ways of success.  If due to weak rahu any one is not getting name, fame, we

Ayurveda For Life- What is Vata, Pitta And Kaph

What is Ayurveda?, What is Vata , what is Pitta, What is cough/Kapha, Ayurveda recommendations for Dosha, Astrologer for Health Problems and Solutions. Ayurveda, is literally is the science of longevity. It provides one with good health, holistic well-being and natural inner and outer beauty. Each being is unique and so is it's experience of existence. what may be beneficial to one may not productive to another. It is often observed that foods which are termed as good for the body sometimes result in bad effects for some people. Ayurveda For Life- What is  Vata, Pitta And Kaph Here , Ayurveda helps one understand and tune in with oneself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Ayurveda is the science of learning about one's own body, accepting it with all it's glory and limitations and nurturing it to yield a unique process of lifestyle that works just for oneself. Beauty, nowadays is associated with outer appearance; an experience to the senses of that which is

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Saturn ?

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Saturn, Natural remedies to get rid of malefic Saturn impacts, inauspicious Saturn remedies, Astrology Remedies for Saturn or shania, how to  make Saturn strong. bad saturn remedies Before starting this article let me clear a very important concept related to MALEFIC Saturn AND WEAK Saturn. Malefic Saturn means when Saturn sits with enemy zodiac then it becomes malefic but weak Saturn may be positive or negative. In this article we are going to see only remedies of malefic Saturn. There are different solutions of malefic and weak Saturn so don't be confused.  Saturn plays very important role in our life and as per vedic astrology Saturn represent leather, cement, machinery, wood, iron, oil, transport, rubber, property etc. Positive Saturn makes the life interesting whereas inauspicious Saturn generate many problems in life. When Shani become malefic in Horoscope: Saturn of aries zodiac is very harmful for a person and ruin the lif

Blue Sapphire Gem Stone Secrets

Power of Neelam, benefits of certified Neelam/blue sapphire,  where to buy,  How to wear and use blue sapphire for success as per astrology? A bitter but sacred and spiritual planet is Saturn/Shani as per vedic astrology, and the gem stone which is related to Saturn is Blue sapphire. A very powerful gem which if suits then change the whole life and bring health, wealth, power, prosperity and if not suits then destroy the life. So great care must be taken while using real neelam. Blue Sapphire details In hindi blue sapphire is called neelam and comes under category of oxide mineral. It is composed of aluminium oxide, corundum mineral. Traces of iron also present which gives it blue color.  Neelam can give stability in career, decisive mind, physical power, it can enhance the benefits in property and wealth. It is good for spiritual peopel too and boost the saadhna or spiritual practices. If internal diseases are creating problems then also this gem stone may help the pa

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Jupiter ?

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Jupiter, Natural remedies to get rid of malefic Jupiter impacts, inauspicious Jupiter remedies, Astrology Remedies for Jupiter or Guru, how to make Jupiter strong. Before starting this article let me clear a very important concept related to MALEFIC Jupiter AND WEAK Jupiter . Malefic Jupiter means when Jupiter sits with enemy zodiac then it becomes malefic but weak Jupiter may be positive or negative. In this article we are going to see only remedies of malefic Jupiter. There are different solutions of malefic and weak Jupiter so don't be confused.  How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Jupiter ? Jupiter plays very important role in our life and as per vedic astrology Jupiter represent Intelligence, education, religious beliefs, banking sector, perception power, wealth etc.  Positive Jupiter makes the life interesting whereas inauspicious Jupiter generate many problems in life. How Jupiter Become Malefic In Birth Chart? If Guru is present of t

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Mercury ?

How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Mercury, Natural remedies to get rid of malefic Mercury impacts, inauspicious Mercury remedies, Astrology Remedies for Mercury or budh, how to make Mercury strong. Before starting this article let me clear a very important concept related to MALEFIC Mercury AND WEAK Mercury. Malefic Mercury means when Mercury sits with enemy zodiac then it becomes malefic but weak Mercury may be positive or negative. In this article we are going to see only remedies of malefic Mercury. There are different solutions of malefic and weak Mercury so don't be confused. Mercury plays very important role in our life and as per vedic astrology Mercury represent Intelligence, talking power, sharpness of mind, Speech, Daughter, Aunt, Sister, Skin, adolescence, Astrology, Mathematics, Business, Entrepreneurs, Writing, etc. How To Reduce Ill Effects Of Mercury ? Positive mercury makes the life interesting whereas inauspicious Mercury generate many problems in life. Let

Diamond Gems Stone Secrets

Diamond gem stone secrets, power of Heera, benefits and where to buy Diamond?, How to wear and use Diamond/heera for success as per astrology? When we talk about the gems stone related with Venus or shukra then Diamond comes in our mind, when we talk about the toughest stone in the world then also diamond comes in our mind. In hindi diamond is called "Heera". diamond gems details It comes under category of mineral and is an metastable allotrope of carbon. One of the precious stone available in this world and is a very fascinating. In astrology also it is used to enhance the power of Shukra or Venus. Diamond is widely used in jewellery.  Who Can Use Diamond? As it is related with Venus and so to enhance the power of this planet Heera is used as per astrology. It is good for artists, couples, lovers, having low vigour, actors/actresses,  Persons having Taurus and Libra zodiac can also wear this gem stone as they are controlled by Venus planet. Benefits of w

Astrology Case Study Of HIV Kundli

AIDS is one of the most terrible disease in this world. People who by bad luck suffers from HIV knows the real pain. But the persons are great who are fighting to live a good life with this disease.  Astrology Case Study Of HIV Kundli This type of patients loss there immunity and therefore many types of diseases attack on the person and so it is very necessary to take every step to make there-selves protected from pollutions and other negative environment. Many types of HIV patients consult me and here I am providing a case study of a patient but I am not disclosing the name. Only to show the reality of astrology I am briefing the details of one kundli. This is he kundli of a person who is suffering from HIV and after adopting some ways of naturopathy, yoga and astrology he is finding a good change in himself.   Here is the Special Horoscope: Special Kundli Look at this kundli or horoscope, the 7 house is generating malefic impacts because rahu of enemy is pres

Yellow Sapphire Gem Stone Secrets

Benefits of certified pukhraaj/yellow topaj, how to buy and where to buy, How to wear and use yellow sapphire for success as per astrology? When we want to talk about knowledge then Jupiter planet comes in our mind, In hindi Jupiter is called "guru grah" means master. Yellow sapphire or pukhraaj or topaj is a auspicious and precious gem stone which represent the planet Jupiter as per astrology. Jupiter is associated with knowledge, power, prosperity, luck etc. so this gem stone is used to enhance the said qualities in life.  yellow sapphire details It is composed of aluminium oxide and Iron traces. After diamond if any stone is hard then it is sapphire. The beauty and amazing healing power of yellow sapphire compel scholars to use it in different ways for success in life. Fine and fascinating jewelries are made today by using pukhraaj and taken as a very lucky. Who can use Yellow Topaj: Since it is associated with knowledge and prosperity so it is good for te


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Planets And Astrology- The Rahu and Ketu

Planet rahu and ketu in vedic astrology, things related and what to do to enhance power of rahu and ketu. Rahu and ketu are very mysterious planets and are said to be the shadow planets but they are very-very powerful. If these two planets are generating positive impacts then success comes from all the direction but the negativity of these 2 planets makes the life of a person hell. Some Important Things To Know About Rahu and Ketu(Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail) As Per Astrology: Rahu if present with any planets then it generates the 'Grahan Yoga'. The malefic rahu and ketu attracts the negative energies and person comes in contact with ghosts and other type of negative subtle energies.  A good rahu and ketu makes a person successful researcher of occult sciences like as tantra, mantra, yantra. It also takes to the culmination of spiritual practices i.e. Salvation. Following diseases are happens due to malefic effects of rahu and ketu - Heart dis