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Showing posts from August, 2018

Nakshatra Vatika | Raashi Vatika | Panchvatika

Nakshatra Vatika | Raashi Vatika | Panchvatika, Benefits of herbal garden, plants and trees related to zodiac signs, nakshatra, Nakshatra and related trees, zodiac and related trees, What tree is related to which star, Know the plant related to 12 zodiacs. There are 27 Nakshatra/stars and 12 zodiacs/rashi, As per astrology there is a particular tree or plant related to every nakshatra and zodiac, if any one grow and take care of related plants or tree then good results can be seen in life. Nakshatra Vatika | Raashi Vatika | Panchvatika Many people develop NAKSHATRA VATIKA and RASHI VATIKA in there personal garden to attract blessings of every nakshtra, navagrah and zodiacs. Planting trees and plants is also good for environment and healthy life, All the trees and plants have some qualities as per ayurveda too and so it is always good to plant some useful plants time to time. If any one have spare land then do plant some trees and plants. If any one have balcony then con

Astrology Counselling For Success In Life

Astrology Counselling For Success In Life Analysis of Horoscope/kundli/birth chart, Predictions based on planetary positions in horoscope. astro counselling for successful life If no way is seen, if mind is in the state of dilemma, if decision power is getting low, if loss is occurring continuously, if you are facing problem in choosing subject, if you are facing problem in choosing career then astrology counselling may help you better. An experienced astrologer can tell about possibilities in life, the time to get opportunities in life after analyzing the horoscope . An good astrologer can reveal you about the planetary reasons of your problems and sufferings in life. An fortune teller can tell about the good and bad period of life. Jyotish can clear the best Gems stone for your better life. An astrologer can tell you about the best puja, best daan to remove hurdles of life. Astrology counselling can help you to balance your life by using the best astrology w

What is Yogini Dasha In Astrology

Yogini dashash in astrology, 8 yogini dasha and there impacts in life, yogini dasha calculator, yogini dasha prediction, ashubh yoginidasha shanti upaay, remedies of malefic yogini dasha. What is Yogini Dasha In Astrology INDEX: What is yogini dasha? How it should be considered in horoscope analysis? Is yogini dasha auspicious or inauspicious How to minimize ill effects of yogini dasha from life? Yogini dasha analysis reveals many important things about life and so is very important while analysing horoscope. It is necessary for the astrology lovers to know about there yoginidasha and to check impacts on life.  Some yogini dashas are good and some arise problems in life.  How many types of Yogini Dashas in astrology? There are 8 types of yogini dashas and they impacts our life time to time as per vedic astrology.  Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka  Siddha Sankata Some scholars believe that Mangala, pingla, dhanya and siddha are auspicious a

Vashikaran Sadhna On Janmashtmi Why ?

Why vashikaran sadhna is good on janmashtami, benefits of attraction prayog on janmashtami night, why people perform this sadhna on janmashtami, secrets of janmashtmi. Vashikaran Sadhna On Janmashtmi Why ? Before starting this article I just want to clear one misconception in mind of people related to vashikaran, Generally it is thought that vashikaran means to perform black magic to attract any girl, boy, lady and gents but this is not the truth. Vashikaran is not limited to perform practices to attract only boy or girl but there are many vashikaran mantra in which practices are done to attract health, wealth, prosperity, divine blessings. So it is good to take out mind from negative thoughts. Black magicians has used this word to create illusions in mind of people and so there is a fear in the mind of people. When is Janmashtmi in 2023? If any one use the spells of vashikaran for good life then no doubt benefits will be seen. It is also a myth that spells of vas

Secrets Of Paan or Betel Plant

Secrets of Betel, Benefits of Paan, how paan or betel is beneficial for health, medicinal benefits. We all are generally familiar with betel, a very common and famous vegetation which is used to eat. Some use it daily, some use it occasionally. It is also used widely in worship in India, without offering paan pooja is not said to be complete. It is believed that it is a very sacred plant and so care is taken while handling this plant. Not only this if we chew betel then good smells comes out which is also a good quality of paan.  But do you know that it has tremendous medicinal benefits and in ayurveda this plant is very important and is used to treat various types of health problems. Secrets Of Paan or Betel Plant Let's see some important characteristics of Betel point by point: It contains 6.1% carbohydrate, 2.3%fibre, 2.3% minerals, 3.1% protein, 85.4% humidity. It is a also very good source of calcium, kerotin, thyamin, rybofevin, niyacin, vitamin C.  Reg

What To Do In Spare Time?

What to do in spare time, how to spend spare time, tips to use the free time, habits which can change life, tips for healthy living, mood changing tips. Free mind is dangerous always and so it is necessary to do something whenever we get free time. We all get lots of time daily in which we actually don't know what to do and thus waste it. But in reality the free time is boon for us and definitely if we use that time properly then we are able to increase our knowledge and also able to make our self healthy and fresh.  What To Do In Spare Time? Here in this article we are going to see the ways which we can use to make our spare time useful, fruitful and healthy. Check your contacts in mobile or diary and chat with the friends whom you have not met for years. This will make the relations healthy and strong. Clean your home or office which will bring positive energies and it is necessary for healthy life too. Read your interesting books. If you wanted to read any boo

How To Remove Doshas After Marriage? Marriage Problems and Remedies

How to remove doshas after marriage? Is it possible to remove doshas of kundli, horoscope or birth chart after marriage?, Tips for better marriage life, Powerful ways of astrology for better marriage life, Use of vashikaran to make better marriage life, use of occult science for better marriage life,Astrologer For solutions of After marriage life problems solutions. How to Remove Doshas AfterMarriage Marriage is a very big and very important decision of a life. If a person get good partner then no doubt his or her life will become heaven but if it is not so then it is also possible that life become hell.  Many times it is asked from me that whether it is possible to remove doshas of kundli after marriage. My answer is yes it is possible to minimize the doshas of kundli or horoscope after marriage if it is not done earlier.  Some important problems which comes before me after marriage due to doshas or problem in birthchart: Even after love marriage couples get apart

Astrologer For Match Making(Astkut Milan)

Astrologer for match-making(Astkut Milan) , Benefit of match making, Why 'ASTROLOGER ASTROSHREE' for match making?, Requirement for match making, Astrologer for kundli milan. Match making is also known as 'ASTKUT MILAN'. In this every aspect is checked minutely like as how will be life after marriage, progeny chances after marriage, health of couples after marriage, career growth after marriage, family life after marriage, happiness in life after marriage, prosperity after marriage. Astrologer For Match Making(Astkut Milan) Many times it is seen that just after marriage some couples enter in trouble zone. Many couples even after passing of some time suffers from health problems, financial problems, progeny problems, debts problems etc. This happens because of the impact of contradictory planets together. So it is always advised to go for ASTKUT MILAN or MATCH MAKING. ' ASTROLOGER ASTROSHREE' also recommend match making even in love marriage c

Horoscope Analysis

Horoscope Analysis: Horoscope analysis is very important in vedic astrology to know about power points and loop holes in our birth chart. By taking reading from an experienced astrologer we can get life predictions, A complete chart analysis, lucky gems and other solutions to make life beautiful. Analysis of horoscope is the basis of astrology. By this it is possible to know the best periods, the obstacles in the way of success, the lucky days, lucky time, job, marriage, love life etc.  Horoscope Analysis Horoscope Analysis By taking the professional astrology services of ASTROLOGER ASTROSHREE you can get the best analysis of your birth chart. You can also get the answers of your questions. You can also get the best gems stones suitable for you. You can also know about the loop holes in your birth chart. You can also know the tips to develop your personality to live a smooth life. The whole analysis will be done by ' ASTROLOGER ASTROSHREE ' and manual

Gochar Astrology

What is gochar in astrology, impact of gochar transit in life, predictions through gochar, current movements of planets and impacts on life. Gochar means transit of planets, Stars are moving continuously and because of this impacts on life changes, sometimes a person feel happy, sometimes feel sad, sometimes natural disasters disturb the life, sometimes growth is seen every where. Circumstances changes when planets changes positions i.e. when planets sits with good zodiac then shows positive impacts and when planets become malefic then shows malefic impacts in life. gochar prediction importance Gochar is also considered very much while reading horoscope/kundli/birth chart because both are very closely related with each other. If in gochar, any planet is becoming malefic or bad and if the same planet is in dasha in anyone kundli then person will face too much problems and it will be suggested to keep patience and perform prayers to not minimise impacts of malefic planets in

Zodiac Rings or Raashi Rings- Solutions of Planetary Problems

Zodiac Rings or Raashi Rings- Solutions of Planetary Problems Zodiac Rings or Raashi Rings Before we understand about Zodiac Rings it is good understand panchdhatu. What is Panchdhatu? Panchdhatu is made up of 5 metals that are Copper, Gold, Silver, Zinc and Iron. This is very important in synchronizing balance between nature and human life because  Nature is also consists of 5 elements which includes Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Sky. That’s why panchdhatu is mostly used in astrology power products to give best results. How Zodiac or Raashi affect our Life? Astrology View The answer of this question is very easy most of us once in life heard that an astrologer has predicted many things about that person, relative, friend etc. Many times we have also heard that a remedy has changed his life etc. Many times we have heard that an astrologer by studying the horoscope tells about past, present and future. This all happens because Zodiac signs have great impact on ou

Secrets Of Pulses

Importance of pulses in life, daalo ke fayde, Nutritions in pulses, why to include pulses in meal, what are the benefits of pulses, health tips for better life, Astrology Importance of Pulses by astrologer. Pulses are very important and fulfil various nutritional needs in the body. It is a way to keep us healthy, wealthy and fit. They are vary necessary because of there qualities. In this article we are going to see the secrets of pulses. Secrets Of Pulses Do you know pulses or daals have the necessary protein, vitamins and minerals which can keep our mind and body healthy. Various types of pulses have different types of quality like as - Moong daal has good amount of protein, carbohydrates and fibres and it is also very good for the patients who are suffering from diseases due to cough and pitta as per ayurveda. It is easily digetable and is very good for power of eyes too.  Arhar daal root out the problems of cough, pitta and blood problems. It contains phosphorous

Destiny with Colors

Read about black color predictions If you have got COLOR BLACK then it means that you may remain mysterious today and some hidden obstacles may disturb your life. But you will be quiet confident to face the challenges of life. If you are getting colour black again and again and if you are facing too much problems in life then it means that you may be affected by evil eye or black magic, so do consult good astrologer and follow tips. Know More About BLACK COLOR>> impact as in life and personality. Black colour also represent planet Saturn So if Saturn/Shani is good in your horoscope then you may be benefited with land or people who have good shani in there horoscope. And if Saturn is not good in kundli then do take care as much as possible today and avoid to go to any negative places. If you have got WHITE COLOR then it means that today is the peaceful day for you and you will be able to manage your all conflicts if it is being running for long time. Today p

13 Situations Which Create Dissatisfaction And Their Astrology

13 Situations Which Create Dissatisfaction,  Astrologer for problem solutions. In day to day life we faces different types of situations, circumstances, conditions. Some of them make our life comfortable and some of them make our life full of struggle. Here i am going to clear the obstacles which comes in life and create frustration, dissatisfaction in life. Sometimes the negative results lead to depression and many serious results seen.  13 situations of dissatisfaction My intention to write this article is to make aware about the difficult situations and provide a good way to over come from the negative periods of life.  13 Situations which Create Dissatisfaction in living a smooth life are: When a child not get the proper attention from the parents then this create dissatisfaction in his or her mind.  When parents not get proper response from children then they got disappointed. When an educated person not get desired job then this situation also create dissatisf