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Showing posts from March, 2019

Ways To Remove Poverty

Astrology ways to remove poverty, how to remove poverty easily through totkay, know the best ways to remove poverty. Poverty is one of the biggest curse in this life, this type of life is like a hell and poor person suffer in personal life, social life etc. It is necessary to over come from poverty otherwise depression arise in mind and because of this whole family suffer a lot. It is necessary to adopt good remedies to solve financial problems as soon as possible to make life better and smoother. Ways To Remove Poverty If you are suffering from poverty then read this astro article. Know the easy ways to overcome from poverty. Know the ways to enhance luck in life. Know how to open way to success? It is a fact that rich people are not only lucky but they are also hard and smart worker and by this they attract the monetary power in their life. If misfortune is disturbing your life regularly then don't wait for the best period to start remedies, do consult astrolo

Mahakali Yantra For Success

Mahakali Yantra, way to protect ourself from black magic, kale jadu se suraksha, protection from negative energy, Power of maa kali. Are you in search of a way which will protect you from ill effects of negative energies, are you in search of a yantra which will protect you from black magic/kala jadu, are you in search of a powerful saadhna which will save you from harmful effects of negative energies then in this article you will come to know about one of the best yantra. mahakali yantra benefits This yantra is called "MAHAKALI YANTRA" . Goddess kali is worshipped for the decades and no doubt devotees are getting blessings of her and living hurdle free life. As per Indian mythology maa kali finished many demons and till now negativity, ghosts, black magic gets away from her worship. If this Siddha yantra is installed properly at right place and in right time then no doubt the place gets protected and if any one worship regularly then by the blessings of ma

Eyes And Astrology Tips For Healthy Eyes

Eyes and astrology, tips to keep eyes fit and fine, how to keep our eyes healthy through natural ways?. Eyes are very important part of our body and are very necessary. It works continuously and for long time whole life, due to this we are able to see this wonderful world. Eyes help us to enjoy this wonderful world. It is eyes through which we see the creations of god. But due to engage in our fast life for livelihood we don't care for it and so finds problems related to eyes in long run. It is very important to keep our eyes healthy life long and for that it is necessary to adopt different ways. tips to keep eyes fit In this article I am going to tell my blog readers about the planets related to eyes, the reasons of weak eye sight, tips to keep our eyes healthy. Eyes and Astrology: As per astrology Second and Twelfth House of our horoscope are responsible for our eyes and any type of problems in these houses lead to eye problem. Also Sun and moon are also very cl

Retirement Facts To Enjoy Life

Retirement Facts To Enjoy Life, what does retirement in reality, what to do after retirement, who is really retired, Avoid these thinking. Retirement doesn't mean to go in silence and waiting for the last moment of life, retirement doesn't mean to just cut off from the society, retirement doesn't mean to just sit in home always and pass time, This is a traditional thinking and totally belongs to negativity. Retirement Facts To Enjoy Life Read Here Some Facts: A retired person knows the best ways to perform any task because of experiences of so many years. A retired person knows the tricks to perform any task efficiently and effectively.  A retired person has sound networks in society. And a retired person also has many incomplete dreams.  The above qualities is enough to do anything in life. A person who has a healthy body, healthy mind, dreams to fulfill, power to perform tasks is not said to be retired in any case. It is a tradition in companies to

Astrology Horoscope :Important Yogas of Moon

Yogas Forms By Moon in Birth Chart/Horoscope, Importance of Moon In Indian Astrology, Get Your Horoscope Checked In Indian astrology Moon is very important in horoscope. Moon is as important as the lagna the first place in Horoscope or kundli. Moon is the most important planet which has a great impact in human life. So it is very important to study some important yogas which forms only because of the impact of Moon or we can say that some yogas in Indian horoscope are studied by studying the positions of moon in Horoscope or kundli. In this article we will study some important yogas of Moon.So let's study carefully : Important Yogas of Moon Learn About Yogas Form due to combination of Moon With Different Planets and Zodiac Signs. Samaraajya Yoga : if the master of any of the three place 2nd ,9th and 10th place of Horoscope or kundli residing with moon or if the master of the above 3 place is residing in 4th, 7th and 10th place from the moon and jupiter is the mast

Moon Stone Pearl Gem Stone Secrets

Pearl/Moti gems stone secrets, Free encyclopaedia of pearl Gem stone , Importance of Moti, Uses of Mooti, Where to buy, Astrology benefits of Mooti, how to wear Pearl ratna,  information of Moon Stone. When we talk about a stone which will calm our mind, which will attract the blessings of Moon, which will make our life smooth and balanced then a very good gem stone Pearl comes in our mind. It represent the planet Moon and Mother as per astrology and so is used to enhance the power of Chandrama/Moon.  Moon Stone Pearl Gem Stone Secrets In Hindi Pearl is called "Mooti/Moti" and is a very shinning and smooth ratna. One can use it for health, wealth and prosperity but the quality of pearl matters enough.  Don't use the moon stone having following qualities: Any type of cracks anywhere. Any type of black spot on the surface anywhere. Rough surface with uneasy touch. Any type of lines anywhere. What To Keep In Mind Before Wearing Pearl/Moti/Mooti: U

Ruby Gems Stone Secrets

Ruby gems stone secrets, Free encyclopaedia of ruby stone , Importance of Manikya, Uses of Ruby/Manikya, Where to buy, Astrology benefits of ruby, how to wear ruby ratna,  information of ruby. When we talk about the king of gems stones, when we talk about the ratn of sun/surya, when we talk about dignity, wealth, status, name, fame then Ruby comes in our mind. In hindi Ruby is called Manik.  Ruby Gems Stone Secrets As per astrology Ruby represent the planet Sun, It's colour is pink and reddish too, depend upon the quality colours vary. This stone is used to energize our mind and body. It helps to enhance the mind power, imagination power, creativity, leadership quality, artistic mind etc.  Management quality can be enhanced by using this gems stone of Sun. Person gets clear vision, decision making power by wearing Ruby.  Composition of Ruby: It is a mineral and a variety of mineral Corundum, If we talk about the chemistry of Ruby or Manikya then it is a mixture

How To Meditate For Vashikaran?

How to meditate for vashikaran?, power of yoga meditation, steps used in doing meditation. So you are interested to meditate or vashikaran. It means that you want to control some one's mind. It also means that you want to attract some one. ok, this is a good thing that you want to attract some one by your own mental power. But it is not easy and in the same time it is not impossible. With in a few days you can feel the power of your mind. It is the mind which if think positively can make you king and if think in negative direction can make you beggar. So deal with mind patiently. How To Meditate For Vashikaran? Meditation is very wonderful and miraculous science. If you practice it nothing will be impossible for you. You will be the most happiest person in this world after some days. What ever you think will be fulfilled. So don't worry if you are not getting success in any field, don't worry if you are having problem in fulfilling your dreams. Just take one s

3 Gunas Of Personality

What are gunas, Know the Mystery and how they impact our life?, How to know which gun is affecting our life?, Success and failure through gunas, Power of 3 gunas. Do you know the mystery of gunas, do you know how gunas makes our life interesting, do you know we are behaving in life as per our gunas. Gunas are the important properties present in every human being which makes the behavior of a person. Because of these gunas every persons behaves differently. This gunas are too much responsible for the success and failure of a person in life. Balance of gunas in personality makes a person successful where as any imbalance puts a person in a deep problem. So it is necessary to know about these gunas so as to make our life successful. 3 Gunas Of Personality Important Things To Know About These 3 Gunas: These gunas are 3 in number i.e. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. These gunas are present in every being. These gunas are present in varius degrees and concentration in every hu

How To Control One's Mind by Astrology

How to control one's mind by astrology, How to control our own mind through astrology? Why to control the mind?, is it possible to control any one's mind through astrology, best mind controlling techniques through astrology. So you are interested in controlling mind. It's great thing because success bows to the person who is able to control own's mind as well as other's mind too. So an effort to control mind will never be wrong. But the main thing is that why we need to control the mind?. Controlling other's mind doesn't mean that you will be able to compel others to do whatever you want instead it means to make positive impacts on others.  How To Control One's Mind by Astrology Let's see some reasons for why to control mind: Mind is the most flicking power and if any body is able to control this mind then miracles is possible easily.  By controlling our own mind it is possible to do any work in a better way.  By controlling our own

Hindi Astrologer | Hindi Astrology | Jyotish in Hindi

Hindi astrologer for reading of kundli in hindi as per vedic jyotish rules.  ज्योतिषीय समाधान hindi में पाने के लिए संपर्क करे, भविष्य जानिए, कुंडली के रहस्य को जानिये. अगर आपको अपने कुंडली का विश्लेषण अंग्रेजी में चाहिए, अगर आप चाहते हैं की hindi वैदिक ज्योतिष द्वारा आपको सफलता के नए स्त्रोत मिले तो आप आज ही संपर्क कर सकते हैं ज्योतिष astroshree से. Hindi Astrologer | Hindi Astrology | Jyotish in Hindi Hindi Alphabet and Zodiac Signs यहाँ आप पा सकते हैं अपने कुंडली की जानकारी.  आप जान सकते हैं की कौनसा रत्न आपके लिए शुभ है. आप जान सकते हैं की आपके जीवन का स्वर्णिम समय कब है. आप ज्योतिष द्वारा जान सकते हैं की कुंडली में मौजूद दोषों को दूर करने के उपाय क्या है.  hindi ज्योतिष द्वारा जानिये की आपके कुंडली में कौन से ग्रह मजबूत है और कौन से कमजोर है, आपको सफलता के लिए क्या करना चाहिए.  आपके जीवन में प्रेम संबंधो को कैसे सुधारे. कला जादू का समाधान भी आप जान सकते हैं hindi में.  अगर आप विवाह करना चाहते है तो आप जानिये गुण मिलान hindi में.  राशिफल की जानकारी

Sheetla Ashtmi Importance in English

Sheetla Ashtmi Importance, sheetala ashtami vrat, Why to perform shitla mata puja, Benefits of sheetla ashtmi worship. For the decades Sheetla Mata is worshiped in India. It is believed that goddess sheetla saves from many diseases and bless devotees with health life. The shitla astmi is celebrated after 7 days of Holi festival i.e. on Ashtmi tithi as per Indian Panchang. This celebration is also called BASAUDA because on this day goddess is worshiped with stale food and devotees also eat the stale and cold food on this auspicious day. Sheetla Ashtmi Importance in English Benefits Of Worshipping Sheetla Mata As Per Belief: As per the belief Sheetla mata saves the devotees from many types of diseases and epedemics and gives the healthy life so it is good to perform proper puja on ashtmi tithi of krishna paksh After holi.  Mata Sheetla controls smallpox, chickenpox, measles and other skin diseases. So to save our family from this it is good to take the blessings of go