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Showing posts from June, 2019

How We Attract Bad Luck In Life ?

How we attract bad luck in life, What type of activities are responsible and how a person generate obstacles in life by his or her own deeds or habits?, Bad luck astrology. Actually we always cry for the hurdles which we face in life, we always do complaints regarding the obstacles present in life but in really there are many problems which we create by our own deeds or habits. Knowingly or unknowingly we do many work which is not good for attracting luck. Because of them we sometime suffers from many types of problems. In this article I am going to focus on very simple points which are dangerous for getting a successful life. There are some habits which are not good for us and brings bad luck. These habits may attract negative energies, may attract bad luck , misfortune so must be avoided. How We Attract Bad Luck In Life ? If your dream is to live a successful life, if your dream is to become a lucky person, if your dream is to live a smooth life then this articl

ShreeYantra Magical Power

What is Shree yantra?, Types of Shree Yantra, Benefits of Shree Yantra, How To Install Shree Yantra?, Astrologer for Shree Yantra. Shree Yantra is said to be the Kings of Yantras. it is said that practitioner of shree yantra can overcome from every negative effect of planets and get dharma , Artha, kaam and Moksha easily. so shree yantra is beneficial from every point of view. siddha shree yantra It is said that if a charged siddha shree yantra is kept in safe then it protect the wealth from any type of negativity. If a siddha Shree yantra is put in business place then it protect the business as well as help to grow the business by attracting the divine energies in that place. Shree yantra if placed in worship place then it also helps in providing the blessings of divine energies. Shree yantra is also used in vastu rectification. Read About Guru Pushya Nakshatra For Success . There are various Types of Shree yantra available in the market for e.g. Shree Yantra

How To Apply On line For Jobs?

Tips To Follow Before Applying on line For Jobs, How to apply on-line for Jobs, job tips, Job astrology, astrologer for career analysis on line. In this age of Internet about 50% of companies use the application tracking system(ATS). So it is necessary to make our resume very systematically to get selected in first look.  How To Apply On line For Jobs? Here are some tips which must be follow Before applying for Jobs On-line- Make Your Covering Letter-  If in requirement there is a demand of covering letter than do enclose it with application. In covering letter do write your qualities and also highlight how you will use your qualities in job. Be sure to use your own words and style.  Make Your Resume Smartly-  After making the resume read it carefully and try to use the keywords which is required as per the company. Your qualities must be highlighted. Read the Requirements of Job Carefully-  Do read the vacancy requirement carefully. if your think you are eligible fo

How To Get A Good Sleep Naturally?

How to get a good sleep naturally, 10 tips to get a sound sleep, best ways to get a sound sleep, free beauty tips, Astrology ways to make life successful and wonderful. A sleepless night ruin whole the next day. Any disturbance at sleeping hours cause many types of problems, It is because doctor also advice to take complete sleep every day. Also a complete sleep is necessary to maintain natural beauty. Another important thing is that a natural sleep is also very essential, If any one is using sleeping pills or any other drugs to get a good sleep then it is not at all good for the health. How To Get A Good Sleep Naturally? Here in this article you will know that what to do to get a natural sleep, how to get a good sleep easily. These tips will sure help you a lot to over come from many of your problems. But before knowing the best ways to get natural ways let's know the disadvantages of not having a sound sleep: We feel lethargy whole the day and unable to perform th

Amazing Habits of Successful People

Amazing Habits of successful people, rules of rich people, how successful persons behave?, Tips to be successful, Real Success in some days, Hypnotic Power For Success. Success in life is very important, success in society, success in profession, success in love life, success in business is very important. An unsuccessful life is of no use. So every one try to get success as per the knowledge. Here in this article i am going to share the ways which successful person follow. After reading this article you will come to know the secret of success, you will come to know the mystery of success. Amazing Habits of Successful People Some habits which will change your life completely, Some habits which will make you strong, some habits which will make your life powerful, some habits which will give you money, power, caliber, status and over all success. Remember if you want to be a millionaire you have to think like that, if you want to be a powerful person, you have to think like

How To Activate Third Eye ? Third Eye Activation

What is Third Eye?, Where is The Third Eye? Benefits of Third Eye, Steps To Activate Third Eye, Experiences During Third Eye Activation. Third Eye Activation How To Activate Third Eye or Divine eye ? Third Eye a place in the body which when activate gives you the power to see the past, present and future,and the subtle energies. We can also say that Third eye when activate we will have the power of microscope as well as telescope. Activation of third eye will give you any thing which you want in this the question is this what is this third eye, where is the third eye , what are the benefit of activating third eye and how to activate the third eye. THIRD EYE ACTIVATION | BENEFITS | PROCESS  So here is the answer of your all these question.Third Eye which is also called the 6th chakra in the body.It is the Energy center in the body and is present between the eyes. With the help of third eye one can see he aura and other subtle energies.It s a very powerful tool t

Totkay To Minimize Kal Sarp Yoga Impact In Horoscope

Totkay To Minimize Kal Sarp Yoga Impact In Horoscope, why struggle arises in horoscope due to kalsarp yoga, Is kalsarp a very dangerous, easy totkay to get rid of kalsarp yoga. In reality there is no need to have fear if kalsarp yoga is present because this is not only one yoga which creates problems in life instead there are many other harmful yogas too which are much more dangerous then this yoga. Totkay To Minimize Kal Sarp Yoga Impact In Horoscope kalsarp yoga means presence of all the planets between Rahu and Ketu i.e. if Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn is present between Rahu and Ketu then kalsarp yoga is said to be formed in the horoscope. It is a type of boundataion i.e. the person feels struggle in every segment of life and so sometimes depression arise in mind, frustration arise in life etc. Person may not get the deserving job , person may not get a good life partner at right time, person may not get the social status, some are not able to

Rahu Shanti Pooja

Rahu Shanti pooja and remedies of planet rahu by best astrologer as per horoscope reading. Rahu is a very important planet as per Indian astrology and it is also known as chaya grah(shadow planet). Rahu if becomes negative in horoscope then it becomes the master of negative energies in life and disturb our life from every aspect. But a positive rahu is very beneficial for person. Rahu shanti pooja is recommended when it is generating malefic impacts in life and when it is going on in antardasha, mahadasha etc. It is also responsible for the kalsrp yoga and grahan yoga. Rahu Shanti Pooja In our birth chart rahu represents grand parents, sudden loss changes, intelligence, illusion, unwanted fear, riots, contradictions, insanity, technology, science, psychology, madness, negative energies, para normal experiences etc. It is responsible for the eclipse. A positive rahu is a true friend but malefic rahu is a very bad enemy. Contact Astrologer For True Guidance>> N

Part Time Jobs And Astrology

Part time jobs as per astrology, list of part time jobs, how to generate extra income, Need of part time jobs, Astrology tips to increase income, Best Part time Jobs. Dearness is increasing day by day and it is not possible for a middle class person to live a smooth life easily just by doing a regular job. Here the importance of part time job and part time business. There is no problem in doing any extra work to increase income. Money is the only power through which a person is able to fulfill the materialistic desires of own and family members. which part time job is best as per horoscope Astrology and part Time Work: Horoscope also shows that the person is able to earn from more than one source or not and if the planetary positions are sound then some time even a person earn more from the part time work. So don't hesitate to start any part time work if there is a need or if there is a spare time. If the planetary positions make the person creative and if the pers

Navagrah And Gems Stones

Navagrah and gems stones, Navaratn in Hindu astrology, Right gems stone, 9 planets and related gems stones. Navagrah gems stones are very popular world wide, they are used as a lucky stones by different zodiac people. People also call them rashi ratn, nava ratna, Navagrah pathhar, etc.  Every stone has some special power which the user can experience but results depends upon the quality of gem stone, way used to wear it etc. There is no doubt that navagrah ratna are used for prompt remedy world wide by the astrology lovers. Variety of gems stones are available in world and it is a bitter truth that it is not possible easily about the worth of any stone without the guidance of any expert. Navagrah And Gems Stones Gems stones are accepted world wide by every types of healers and this shows the importance of ratna in our life. Gems stones work on passing of radiations from it. When any one wear gems stone then light rays passes from its upper surface and then passes inside

Effects Of Indore Pollution In Vastu

Effects Of Indoor Pollution In Vastu, How to make a healthy living environment in home or vastu, Free vastu tips for success. It is a fact that because of indoor pollution family members suffers a lot and later on chronic diseases catch the members who passes maximum times in home or in any vastu. Only sweeping and moping is not enough to keep our home clean and healthy but we must keep in mind many other points too so as to avoid vastu doshas or negativity from home. Effects Of Indore Pollution In Vastu This article will be an eye opener for the people who are not aware of some habits and which can create severe problems in life.  Let's see how indoor pollution generate: While cooking food gases and smokes comes out which is harmful for health.  Generally now a days there is a culture of using deo and spray on regular basis but they are made with chemical which also creates health problems. If any one smokes at home then it also creates indoor pollution which is

Free Totkays | Flicks For Prosperity

Rules To Do Any Totka, Things Important In Life, Totkay For Prosperity, Best ways to increase prosperity, astrologer for prosperity problems, Free Totkays | Flicks For Prosperity P rosperity, Name, Fame, Money is the wish f every one but very few of us are able to get all these things in life and the person who have are in the list of successful persons. To Be a successful person is not an easy task it is a continuous process which must be continued till death. Not Only Hardworking is enough to be a successful person but your luck must be with you. NAME | FAME | PROSPERITY | SUCCESS Through Totkay There are many person who are lucky from the birth but what about the common person so here in this article we will see how to be successful by using some simple Totkays for prosperity, for black magic protection and many more. By doing these totkays regularly with trust and confidence you will find a great positive change in your life. Rules must be kept before doing any

Upaay To Solve Love Problems

Upay to solve love problems, what are the reasons of misunderstanding in relationships, ways to solve them, astrologer for best remedies. Upaay To Solve Love Problems Love is the essence of life, Love is the base of life, without love life become useless. We always remember the days spent with our beloved and these sweet memory makes our life fruitful. So every one try to enjoy the love life whole life. But it is not happen with every one.  Some faces too much problems in love life, some enter in depression due to break up, some take wrong decision in life due to having problems with lover. But before going for any solution it is necessary to know the reasons of love problems. Why relationship has broken, why the trust between the partners ended, why the life become hell suddenly.  So let's check out some reasons which I have found during the analysis of love problems: Many affairs gets ended due to misconception between partners. Many times 2 close persons f

Rambha Teej Fast Significance In English

Rambha tritiya, Puja on rambha teej, Who is  Rambha , Easy way to please apsara Rambha, Puja for beauty and success in life. As per Hindu panchang when Jyestha Month comes then on the 3rd day of shukla paksh i.e. bright phas a special celebration is enjoyed by the people and this celebration is known as "RAMBHA TEEJ".  This festival is generally popular in North India and is held in the memory of a famous Apsara/nymph who came into existence during Samudra Manthan as per hindu mythology. why to do rambha teej It is a belief that the worship of apsara lymph will fill the life with prosperity and beauty like her.  Now It is necesary to know about rambha so read about this beauty. ho is Rambha Apsara? As per hindu mythology a nymph who is in devaloka and is master in dancing, music and making love. She is very smart and beautiful enough to break the tapasya/austerity of any devotee, ascetic or hermit. As per belief the king of gods i.e. devraaj Indra sends her