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Powers of Kritika Nakshatra People As per vedic astrology

Nakshatra astrology, how are the people of KRITIKA NAKSHATRA, know through Vedic astrology that how constellation affects life.

In Nakshatra astrology, we make predictions based on 27 constellations. In earlier times, there were predictions based on constellations instead of zodiac signs, which is more accurate.

It is very important to understand the constellations in Vedic astrology and this affects the person the most. If we want to understand our powers then we need to know what is our birth Nakshatra.

all about Powers of Kritika Nakshatra People As per vedic astrology by best astrologer
Powers of Kritika Nakshatra People As per vedic astrology


Let us know what are Nakshatra in Vedic astrology?

The Moon does a full orbit of the Earth in 27.3 days and when during this it  passes through 27 groups of stars. The clusters of different stars are divided into 27 constellations.

At the time of birth of the native, the effect of the same is most seen on the constellation in which the Moon resides, and on this basis the powers are also found in it. Person can enhance the available power within and live a happy and successful life.

By knowing the constellations, we can know the connection of luck.

हिंदी में पढ़िए कृतिका नक्षत्र में जन्म लेने वाले लोगो में क्या गुण होते हैं ?

Let us now know which are the 27 constellations?

  1. Ashwini
  2. Bharani 
  3. Kritika
  4. Rohini nakshatra
  5. Mrigshira
  6. Ardra Nakshatra
  7. Punarwasu
  8. Pushya
  9. Ashlesha Nakshatra
  10. Magha
  11. Poorwafalguni
  12. Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra
  13. Hastha 
  14. Chitra 
  15. Swati nakshatra
  16. Visakha
  17. Anuradha
  18. Jyestha Nakshatra
  19. Mool
  20. Purvashada
  21. Uttarashada
  22. Shrawan
  23. Dhanishtha
  24. Shatbhisha
  25. Poorwabhadrapad
  26. Uttarabhadrapad nakshatra
  27. Revathi Nakshatra.

The constellations are also used significantly by astrologers in finding out Mahurat. Just like choghadiya, study of nakshatra is also very important while starting any new and auspicious work for its greatest success. 

Every nakshatra has 4 phases.

In this article, we will know about powers, characteristics of people born in Kritika Nakshatra.

The lord of Kritika Nakshatra is the Sun and the God is Fire.

Let us know the powers and characteristics of people born in the FIRST PHASE of Kritika Nakshatra?

The person born in the first phase of Kritika Nakshatra has strong-body, bright, rational minded and self-respecting. Such people are always doing something new, it is not possible for them to be associated with any one task for long time. Due to their instable nature, such people also struggle a lot in life but achieve the peak of success. They like to live with enjoyment and they try their best to get all the means of material comforts.

Marital happiness remains moderate in their lives.

The person born in the first phase of Kritika Nakshatra start getting the support of luck from around 16 years.

Let us know the powers and characteristics of people born in the SECOND PHASE of Kritika Nakshatra?

The body of the native born in the second phase of Kritika is healthy and full of muscles. His nose is thick. Such people complete their work with their hard work and valor and move towards the next goal.

These people are fond of traveling. They travel a lot for their work. The native born in the second phase of Kritika Nakshatra has very good leadership abilities, They are also art lover. Such people do give birth to discoveries, keep new ideas in the society. His life partner is also beautiful but there remains ideological differences.

The fate of the natives born in the second phase of Kritika nakshatra start supporting from around 36 years.

Let us know the powers and characteristics of people born in the THIRD PHASE of Kritika Nakshatra?

The people born in the third phase of Kritika Nakshatra are healthy, medium height, such people are more visible than their age at a young age. The person is also addicted and sometimes due to wrong association, he also depends on others.

They are always unhappy due to wrong company. Laziness also eats them.

 The natives born in the third phase of Kritika Nakshatra are happy with their children but remain unhappy due to the health of the wife. Their old age is spent happily.

Let us know the powers and characteristics of people born in the FORTH PHASE of Kritika Nakshatra?

The person born in the fourth phase of Kritika Nakshatra has a healthy body and a happy mind. The native is efficient and due to his power of speech he gets respect in the society and is loved by everyone.

The analytical mind of these people is also very strong and they gain leadership in society because of this.

The person is also religious. The native gets a beautiful and lucky companion.

The fate of such natives is seen after marriage.

If someday you find combination of your own birth nakshatra and good mahurat then do start any good work and see the magical results. 

  • Know about your career.
  • About your love life.
  • About the bad planets present in the birth journal.
  • About the powerful planets present in your birth journal.
  • Know about your lucky gems stones.

Nakshatra astrology, how are the people of KRITIKA NAKSHATRA, कृतिका नक्षत्र के लोग कैसे होते हैं,  know through Vedic astrology that how constellation affects life.


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