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Points to know before consulting astrologer

What one should know before consulting an astrologer, What one should know before consulting an astrologer.  

Astrologer is a person who know the language of stars, planets, nakshatra and so are able to predict about weather, personality, future time etc. 

People who have deep knowledge of astrology principles and experience become professional astrologer and helps others to live life successfully. 

Vedic astrologers are able to give answers of life’s complicated questions. But before consulting an ASTROLOGER it is good to keep in mind some points which will help to get answers clearly. 


What one should know before consulting an astrologer, What one should know before consulting an astrologer.
Points to know before consulting astrologer

हिंदी में पढ़िए ज्योतिषी से परामर्श करने से पहले किन बातो का ध्यान रखना चाहिए?

What is birth chart reading?

Chart analysis is the most important part of in vedic astrology to make prediction. In birth chart planets are arranged in a specific way and tell many things about life of person. An experienced astrologer is able to predict the life of a person by reading the birth chart or horoscope. 

Many types of questions can be asked from astrologer like as -

  • Career related questions
  • Marriage life related questions
  • Love life related questions
  • Illness related questions
  • Personality development related questions
  • Financial status etc. 

What Information is needed to consult an astrologer?

If you want to consult astrologer for guidance then you must have your correct birth details i.e. Date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. After providing these information astrologer make chart and analyze the planetary positions, its powers, it relations with each other, present transit etc to know about life of person. 

One can book consultation online by sending email or using WhatsApp after paying the fees.

Charges depends upon the service you want like only individual chart reading, match making, black magic analysis, vastu consultation etc. 

Can astrologer change the destiny?

This is a very important question that can astrologer is capable to change destiny?  So the answer is No! destiny cannot be changed. The work of astrologer is to read the chart and clear the person about power points, loop holes, best period, bad time and some remedies to make life successful.

What questions can be asked from astrologer?

One can ask questions related to health, love life, career, personality, promotion, money status, government job, study etc. 

  • When will I get job?
  • When will I get married?
  • How is my love life?
  • How will be my financial status as per my birth chart?
  • Will I get government job?
  • Can I start business?
  • Why I am not getting love in life?
  • When I will have a baby?
  • Why I have so many health issues?
  • Which is the lucky gem stone for me ?
  • Why debt is increasing day by day?
  • When will I have my own property?
  • What to do to enhance my studies?
  • Why I am getting depressed?
  • Which planets are strong in my birth-chart/horoscope?
  • Which planets are problematic in my horoscope? 
  • What can I do to improve my financial situation? etc.
  • Which are the bad yogas present in my birth chart?
  • Is there raj yoga in my chart?
  • Why I am not getting success in-spite of having rajyoga in my horoscope?
  • Which pooja or worship is good for me?
  • Is there any negative energy impact on me?

So there are many questions one can ask from vedic astrologer and get guidance. 

What one should know before consulting an astrologer, tips before taking astrology consultancyWhat one should know before consulting an astrologer. 


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