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Showing posts from May, 2018

Planets And Astrology-The Saturn

Planet shani in vedic astrology, things related and what to do to enhance power of saturn. planet saturn in astrology Saturn is a very harsh planet and give fruits of deeds. People generally fear of Saturn or shani because it gives the results as per the work done by person in past and present life. So actually it is not harsh but work as a judge. If any one has done good work he or she will get good results during shani mahadasha or saturn time. This planet actually purify a person life.  Some Important Things To Know About Saturn or Shani As Per Astrology: It represent the element air. Saturn is ascendant in Libra and if this is present in horoscope then person is very lucky. He or she is able to get the property, power easily. Strong Saturn is able to provide abundant money. The Saturn of Aries, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio give problems too much at the time of Saadesati. The combination of Saturn, Mars and Sun is always dangerous. The combination of Saturn and Sun crea

Health Tips For Child

Need and importance of calcium, Source of calcium, Amount of calcium in different substances, Astrologer for Child health problems solutions. Health Tips For Child Every child is a favorite of his or her parents. Every parents wants their child to be strong and they try to do every thing for this. There are many ways to make a child strong among them strong bones are very important factor. Every one knows that calcium is very essential for strong and healthy bones but here we will find some special information on this subject. Make Your Child Strong and Healthy Calcium is what ? How It works in the body ? What are the source of calcium? , these are some question comes generally in every mind. This is 100% true that calcium is the necessity for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is a type of mineral which is present in bones in abundant, only 1% part of calcium is present in blood. There are many other works of calcium too for e.g. proper management of muscles and blood circulat

Health Tips-Cruciferous Vegetables and Vitamin-D

What are Cruciferous Vegetables?, Natural Way To Over Come From Cancer? Importance of Vitamin-D, Need of astrology in getting back the loss health. Health Tips-Cruciferous Vegetables  and Vitamin-D Every year lakhs of people died because of cancer.Uncontrolled and unusable growth of cells is called cancer.A Node form in the affected area which is called cancer tumor. With the time the size of tumor increases and become dangerous for the nearby organs. After a long duration parts of cancer cells also reach to the lymph,liver,Lungs  and brain which is also called secondary cancer or metastatic cancer, This become the reason of patient death. Due to bad habits, changing environment, increasing pollution danger of cancer has increased so precautive measures are must to take to protect our self from this type of diseases. cruciferous vegetables are one of the best way to get protected from the cancer. Eat Cruciferous Vegetables For Healthy Life, Vitamin -D is Very Essential Fo

Husband Wife Conflicts And Astrology

Powerful remedies of husband wife disputes, astrology remedies for disputes between husband and wife,  how astrology help to solve conflicts between husband and wife, astrologer for solutions of relationships problem.  Husband Wife Conflicts And Astrology Marriage is a special ritual through which two people take a vow to live the further life together in every case. And so there is a special dream in everyone’s mind regarding marriage life. But there are some unlucky couple who are compelled to separate with each other by any reason.  Sometimes one of the partner don’t want divorce but take in pressure.  Husband and wife relationship gets affected when one of the partner don’t understand the feeling, don’t give respect, don’t share emotional feelings etc.  With this Astrology also clear the stars reasons of husband and wife problem. If you are experiencing problems in your married life then it is good to also consult experienced astrologer who can also help to solve marria

Root Cause Of Diseases ! Junk Food or Fast Food !

Fat, Diseases Due to Junk food or fast food, Bitter Truth of junk food, Wine and it's effects, astrologer for best health remedies.  truth of junk food Fat is generally of two types Saturated and unsaturated. These 2 fats are found naturally. In addition to this there is 1 more type of fat and that is TRANS FAT which is made by converting unsaturated fat into saturated fat through the process of hydrogenation. Trans fat was produced first time in 1909. This is used as a preservative to preserve the food. Because of it's cheapness it is used in generally every type of junk food in spite of having many dangerous effects.Because of it's nature to mix with the free radicals in the body trans fat is very dangerous and lead to many diseases like : Heart problems as it increase the cholesterol Skin diseases Kidney diseases Liver diseases Mental problems Cancer Diabetes Obesity, depression Sterility Trans fat is used generally in restaurant, street food, packets of food, b

How To Increase Beauty With Mango and Musk Melon?

How To Increase Beauty With Mango and Musk Melon, Beauty Tips, Natural Ways to increase Beauty, Herbal Beauty Tips, astrology for beauty, what to do to increase beauty through astrology. The king of Fruits Mango ! Full of Taste, Health and beauty. In summer it is available in abundant. Mango is very beneficial in beauty. Mango is a very temptative fruit and almost liked by everyone. Mango contains vitamin A for the body skins, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and C, Minerals, Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fiber. Vitamin C in mango Mangoes for beauty prevent acne and pimples in skins. If the pulp of mango is used to rub the skin then it become soft and bright.  Here i am giving some easy way to use mango for beauty : Vitamin A present in Mango is full of antioxidant which is very helpful to make our skin young and healthy. Daily use of Mango make our skin bright and soft.The ingredients present in mango open the holes of skins which helps in preventing the acne and pimples on face.

Free Summer Health Tips

Free health tips for summer, How to keep fit in hot days, Soft Drinks For Summer, How To Save From Prickly Heat, How To Stop Nosebleed?, Dos' For Summer, Astrologer for best analysis of problems and solutions,  How To Protect Skins In Summer Days . Free Summer Health Tips In Summer Natural power of human being decreases as per Ayurveda and it is felt by us. Due to Highly sweat there is a lack of electrolytes in our body. There is a fear of  sunstroke, digestion also become weak. So It is good to take light meal, juices, Sattu, milk, sugar candy Pana etc to keep ourselves healthy and fit in summer. Free Tips For All |Keep your self Healthy and Fit In summer  Let's See Soft Drinks For summer : Rose Juice :  This is very good to maintain the energy level of body. To make this mix twice the sugar from rose water and mix , stir them and keep it. Take it daily by mixing 10-40 ml water with this mixture. it will protect from burning sensation, thirst and maintain

Secret Of Caffeine

Secret Of Caffeine, how Much Caffeine is Safe For Health?, Some Facts About Caffeine, Disadvantages of Caffeine, When to decrease the Caffeine, How to Overcome from withdrawal symptoms of caffeine. Secret Of Caffeine Caffeine is taken by almost everyone every day but we are not aware of with the knowledge that how much caffeine is safe for our health. so here in this article of I am going to clear the facts related with caffeine. Generally caffeine is present in tea, coffee, caffeinated soda drinks and energy drinks.This is a general thinking that these drinks makes us feel good. With this reason most of the people like to use these drinks very much. Many of us starts the day with caffeinated drinks. As per the research for a normal person 300 ml of caffeine is safe which is available in about 3 cup of coffee.  Some Facts About Caffeine: Caffeine work as a stimulant. By taking this mind start working fast. Pregnant lady is advised to take less caffeina

Birth Day Facts

Facts of Birthday, Birthday facts from India, Story of Birthday, Birth Day Astrology By Astrologer. Ever one celebrates birthday sometime his own and sometime of others but very few of us know the facts attached with Birthday. Here are some interesting facts related with birthday: Birth Day Facts The Birthday song was composed by 2 sisters. The names are Mildred and Patty Hill, in 1893. Most of the Birthday celebrations takes place in August than any other month. for about 9% of people celebrates birth day on August then on July and September. World largest cake was created in 1989 for the 100th Birthday of the city of Fort Payne, Alabama.  The cake weighed 128,238 pounds, 8 oz. and used 16,209 pounds of icing. The Sultan of Brunei hosted the world's most expensive Birthday Party to celebrate his 50th Birthday on 13 July, 1996. The cost was a whopping US $27.2 million . 3 concerts featuring Michael Jackson costs US$16 million of the total amounts. Anne Frank'

Zodiac Signs And Human Body

Zodiac signs and human body, How body parts are affected by zodiac signs, Raashi and human body It is a fact that every parts of body is also affected by zodiac signs. By knowing about this concept it is possible to heal our self in many ways. Astrology is a very esoteric subject in which every thing is given and if one can study it properly can know any thing about human life. In this article we will see which zodiac sign represent which body part and what type of impact it put on human body. Zodiac Signs And Human Body Let's See Which Zodiac Signs affect Which Part of Human Body: 1. Aries(Mesh) zodiac Sign: It represent Head, brain, intelligence, ears, eyes, nose, tongue etc. It generates different type so of impacts with different types of planets. For e.g. If Sun is present with Aries then it makes the person intelligent, socially respectable, knowledgeable  romantic etc. If Jupiter is present of Aries then it makes the person Intelligent. Saturn if pr

Utility of Prashn Astrology

Prashn Jyotish, Utility of Prashn astrology, power of prashn astrology, benefits of prashn jyotish, how to make horoscope without birth details?, prashn kundli, Prashn Astrologer . "Prashn jyotish" is one of the branch of Indian Vedic Astrology in which horoscope is made with the current date, time and place. Prashn Jyotish is a very miraculous type of lore in which the time in which the question is being asked is used. It is very beneficial in many of the complicated cases related to health, money etc. prashn jyotish We can use prashn Jyotish to find the answers of many questions like as- We can find answers of career growth through prasn astrology . We can find answers of marriage related question. Health and wellness related questions can also be answered. Children related problems can also be found through prashn astrology. Property related questions can also be revealed through prashn jyotish. Love problem analysis can also be done through this. Prof

Relevance Of Astrologer

Relevance of astrologer, benefits of taking help of astrologer, Important questions in life,Future vision, How to use Astrology? why astrologer is needed If you want to know about future astrologer will help you, if you want to know about the destiny an astrologer will do so for you, if you want to know about the hidden qualities of you personality astrologer can help you, if you want to know about the power segment then also astrologer will help you. So there is no area in which you can leave astrology . It will help any type of person in doing any type of work. This is an occult science which is assisting scholars for the decades. One example will clear you the importance of astrologer. Suppose if you are passing through an unknown way then there is chance of trap some where due to some pit, animals, looters etc. But if some one guide you and tell you that the following type of problem will arise on that point then you will prepare your self for the incident and you may tak

Which Part of Brain Do You Use?

Which part of brain do you use, power of left and right brain, how to increase brain power through astrology, Occult sciences to increase brain power. Which Part of Brain Do You Use? Do you know we have two parts of our brain i.e. Left Brain and Right Brain. We use one part mostly which decides our nature of working. through this article you can understand yourself and others that which part of brain you are using. Qualities of People Who Use Left Side Brain: Users of Left brain have focused on their target. They think deeply on any subject. They like Dogs very much. They are master in planning. They don't flow in emotions while taking decision. They have interest in maths and science and are very logical. They are good Researcher and read books through which they get knowledge. They like realities and want to write on realities. In other words we can say that people who use their left side of brain mostly are very practical. Qualities of People Who Use Righ

Astrologer For Pooja and Hawan Consultancy

Astrologer For Pooja and Hawan Consultancy for those who want to book online for different types of rituals like grah shanti, kaal sarp shanti, black magic removal puja, pitra dosha shanti pooja, mangalik  pooja, grahan shanti rituals, navagrah shanti , special process for health, wealth and prosperit y. Pooja is a way to attract the blessings of any divine power to minimize the obstacles in life. It is a way of worshiping specific god to attract health, wealth and success. Astrologer For Pooja and Hawan Consultancy Pooja is a way to minimize the malefic impacts of planets from life. Pooja is a way to show our gratitude towards the supreme power. Sometimes it may be possible that you may be recommend to perform any specific pooja for growth and you are not able to perform any pooja due to lack of time, place, things and knowledge. So in that case you can also make request to 'ASTROLOGER ASTROSHREE' who can perform pooja in your behalf. In that case pooja is don

Power of Black Pepper And Astrology

Power of Black Pepper And Astrology,What is Black Pepper?, Advantages Of Black Pepper, Percentage of Nutrients, Black Pepper powerful use in Astrology,Astrologer for health problems analysis Black pepper is very common thing available in almost every kitchens but very few of us know the benefits of black peeper. It is used to treat various diseases,it is very good for the digestive system also increase the immunity power of body, it also helps to remove toxins from the body. Power of Black Pepper And Astrology Lets see the advantages of black peeper point by point : Black pepper helps in digestion and very good for the metabolism. Sweating from the body starts by eating pepper which cools the body and helps in fever. Blood circulation gets better if we take black pepper. Black pepper is good for Brain too. Tea of Black pepper is very good in cold and cough, viral infections etc. Black pepper gives relief in acidity problem. Black pepper is a very good antioxidant.

What is Zodiac Analysis and Why it is Important?

Astrology is one of the way to know what is written in our destiny. Astrologer by there calculations reveals the secrets of birth charts. But some people don't give importance to zodiac analysis. But it is an important part of life.  What is Zodiac Analysis Benefits of Zodiac Analysis: Zodiac is the first thing which is analysed to know about any person and therefore it is very important to know about which is our raashi/rashi/zodiac. Every rashi or zodiac has its own characteristics and person to person it differs. Suppose Aries person will have some characteristics, Taurus will have another characteristics and so on.  It is a hidden feeling of every human-being to know something about our self and others too. And here zodiac analysis will help a lot. By analysing the rashi of any one it is possible to know some important characteristics of person which will be helpful in dealing with that person.  Role of Astrologer In Zodiac Analysis: When any one t