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Showing posts from September, 2023

Pitra Paksha| Mahalaya- Day of Ancestors

when pitru paksha will start in 2023, Mahalaya- Day of Ancestors, date of mahalaya in 2023, Dates of Shraadh as per Tithi. Pitra paksh is the time of ancestors, It is the time when we can perform rituals to over cone from the different type of doshas in our kundli or horoscope, pitrapaksha or mahalaya is the time when you can do something for your ancestors betterment, this is the time when one can get the blessings of pitra or ancestors easily. In the year 2023 Pitru paksh will be from 29th of september to 14th of October. 16 days of PITRU PAKSH are very special because in these days we perform special prayers, rituals for the upliftment of ancestors and to attract their blessings to make our life successful. It is said that in these days our ancestors come in our home to get something which is offered by us. So if any one want to gift something to the ancestors pitra paksha is the right time to do so. Every saints and yogis also wait for this time. Pitra Paksha| Mah

Free Pitra Dosha Reasons, Effects And Remedies

Free Pitra Dosha Reasons And Remedies, how to overcome from problems created by Ancestors. Pitra dosha is a major dosha present in the horoscope. In vedic astrology this dosha is taken seriously and rituals or anushthaan to remove this dosha is very important. Many Miseries in our personal and professional life are because of pitra dosha. Pitra dosha is form in our horoscope due to the ignorance of our ancestors by our family members. Here in this article we will see what is pitra dosha and how we are affected by this and what are the remedies of pitra dosha? Free Pitra Dosha Reasons, Effects And Remedies In case of facing inexplicable problem in your personal and professional life?. If you are facing progeny problems due to miscarriages?. To over come from debt problem. In case you are suffering from chronic diseases. If there is ungraceful environment in your family. In case of loss of business. If you are not getting the proper growth in your professional li

Pitru Dosha In Horoscope As Per Astrology

Pitra Dosh, Pitra Dosh Calculation and Pitra Dosh Upay, magical spell to fulfill wishes, Remedies of Pitra Dosh, how pitru dosha form in horoscope. Meaning of pitru dosha in birth chart: This is one of the most important curse which ruin the life of a native in all respect. It is due to the deeds done in earlier life. Astrologer detects this pitru dosha by reading the horoscope easily. It also shows that ancestors are not happy and so it is advised to do some rituals regularly for the upliftment of ancestors. This will help to bring the blessings of Pitru. Pitru dosha remedies by astrologer How to calculate Pitru dosha in Kundli? In vedic astrology, we take sun as the main planet related to ancestors and so the state of surya, the power of sun and conjunction of sun is studied in depth to know the pitru dosha and its impact in life. The sun is related with status in society, decision making ability, relations with seniors or higher authorities, name , fame, relations with fath

Pitru Paksha Importance

What is pitru paksha or shraddh paksh? what is the importance of shraddh paksh or pitru paksha?, How to please our pitru for success in life?, Wealth creation by worshiping pitru, best ways to over come from pitru dosha. Pitru paksha is a time period of 16 days when Hindus pay tribute to their ancestors. This is the time period when we remember our ancestors or pitru, this is the time when we do some rituals only for the upliftment of our pitru. As per Indian mythology ancestors comes to seek food and other things during these days in the form of subtle energies. So it is good to offer homa daily in the name of pitru during pitru paksha.  pitru paksh importance Pitru paksh is also known as shraddha paksha or mahalaya. People who are facing problems of pitru dosha perform processes to minimize this dosha in horoscope in these days. Just after Ganesha festival pitru paksha starts and it ends on sarvapitru amavasya. Shraddha paksha is the time when souls easily come in eart

Some Facts Associated With SHRAADH or Mahalaya

Some Facts Associated With SHRAADH or Mahalaya,  Direction Of Ancestors/Pitra/Forefathers, What Is PanchBali In Shraadh Paksh, 7 important places for Tarpanam. 16 important days to perform rituals for the peace and upliftment of forefathers. These sixteen days are called Shraadh Paksh/Mahalaya/Pitra Paksh. It is a belief that in these days forefathers/ancestors/pitru comes in earth to bless there Descendant(Vansaj). Read about importance of pitru paksh. Rishi Munis has proved the existence of soul in this universe and so we can't take pitru paksh as a superstition. It is a fact that we are here because of our forefathers and we never forget them in any case and in India it is a rule that before any auspicious celebration or program we first worship our ancestors to get there blessings. facts of shraadha paksh In the scriptures of Indian sages it is clearly written that we have to give respect to every one and so we have to perform special rituals to please our

What is Akaal Mrityu Premature death

What is the truth of premature death, what happens after a premature death, how to avoid untimely death, what can be done for those who have suffered a premature death, Akal Mrityu | In astrology, premature death is often referred to as AKAAL MRITYU in Hindi or MARN YOGA in Sanskrit. It is believed that certain planetary combinations in the birth chart can indicate a predisposition to early death. There are also a number of factors that can mitigate the risk of premature death. What is Akaal Mrityu Premature death What is premature death? Death is irrevocable, but there are many people who become grasps of untimely period due to various reasons like due to accident, due to some disease, due to pandemic etc. Those whose age is very written, but due to some reason, if the person leave the body soon, then such death is termed as premature death. Generally, if someone leaves the body at a very young age, it is also called premature death. If anyone dies of hunger, or is killed by a

Ancestors Upliftment Process-Way To Get Success-MahaTarpanam Process

What is tarpan, Magical process to please ancestors in astrology A very important Concept: It is generally seen that people are suffering from pitra dosha  in life due to which they are not getting so much growth in their personal and professional life. In spite of doing every possible processes they are unable to come out from their problems. It may be due to the un proper process or any thing else. Here i am going to reveal a very easy way to get the grace of ancestors or pitra ancestors upliftment process. pitru tarpan process After death of any one i.e. our family members, other family members, known or unknown, it is necessary to perform some special processes for their upliftment and to make them free from the evanescent world. These process if not done properly make the soul to wonder here and there in search of peace and it causes pitra dosha, pret dosha etc. So it is very important to do something for the upliftment of the soul. It may not make their way

Pitra Dosha Analysis Through Symptoms

sign and symptoms for pitra dosha analysis, how to check this dosha without kundli?, Curses of forefathers and the solutions. Pitra dosha is one of the major cause of problems in life. Struggle in life never ends if ancestors or forefathers curses are there in life. So pitra dosha analysis is necessary and the most important thing is to take some important action to minimize the pitra dosha. In this article I am going to focus on how to detect pitra dosha without kundli. Which incidents shows that there is an impact of pitra dosha in life. Pitra Dosha Analysis Through Symptoms If any elder person or aged person left the body then he or she remains in the form of soul. This soul is the forefather, pitra or ancestor of some one's family. If the soul is satisfied or get salvation or take next birth then there is no problem but in case if the soul is dissatisfied and not taking any new birth then these types of souls creates problems to the related family persons and

How To Perform Tarpanam ?

How To Perform Tarpanam, mantras related to tarpan, easy way to perform tarpan process at home to please ancestors. In my early articles “ ancestors upliftment process ” I have cleared many things about what is tarpan, importance of tarpan, types of tarpan etc. Now in this article I am going to disclose the mantra related to tarpan so that we all can perform the tarpan easily at home and attract the blessings of ancestors. How To Perform Tarpanam ? STEP IST: First of all it is good to offer a Deepak on raw rice in the name of “GOD YAMA” because he is the god of death, use South direction.  Note: Before using any awahan mantra do take some rice in hand and after reciting the mantra do sprinkle on Deepak. While offering Deepak in the name of YAMA recite the following Awahan mantra- “Om Yamaay namah | Awahyami, Sthapyami, Dhyayami| Tato Namaskar Karomi.” After that recite yam mantra for some time “Om yamaay namah”. STEP 2: Now put some black sesame a

What Is Pret Yoni | Impacts of Pret And Easy Solutions

What is Pret Yoni, How a soul enter in pret yoni, How pret are dangerous for people, how to get rid of pret dosha, horoscope and pret dosha, Best tips to over come from pret dosha. No matter a person is a theist or atheist, no matter a person believe in ghosts or souls, there are different types of world for the souls in which souls enters after leaving the body. Pret yoni is a different world of souls who have left the bodies with lots and lots of desires in early age. What Is Pret Yoni  It is not a superstitions to believe on souls. There are many people in my contacts who has seen ghosts even they have talked to them many times. You might have heard many times that a person is suffering from ghost somewhere and now they are searching for good tantrik or ojha etc. You might have seen during special occasions that some ladies start dancing in some horrifying manners. On talking to them we found that some one else is present in that body. Now the main question